Is it cold outside, or what?!

Simply Alisha's Avatar
OMG....I can't stand it.

Am I not in Texas??!!

missi hart's Avatar
it's colder than a gopher's basement. if i wanted cold winter weather i'd live in canada, don'tcha know. my version of winter would be lows in the upper 40's and highs in the mid 60's
sixxbach's Avatar
so cold, i dont even want to go to this party for free drinks lol
PeAcH's Avatar
  • PeAcH
  • 01-08-2010, 09:12 PM
I went for a run last night and began to get frostbite on my face and legs! Brrr! Not cool! Guess i'll have to play Wii fit instead for a while!
Simply Alisha's Avatar
I went for a run last night and began to get frostbite on my face and legs! Brrr! Not cool! Guess i'll have to play Wii fit instead for a while! Originally Posted by PeAcH
This is the exact reason why I use a gym.

There is no way in he** I would be out in this mess....

I swear, I think I saw a polar bear with his teeth

Monk Rasputin's Avatar
Cold, shmold!

In Mother Russia, we think of this as a balmy day.


p.s. Alisha, I really like your new avatar.
Schmafty's Avatar
I'm with Monk! I much prefer this weather over a month full of 100+ degree days.
rCoder's Avatar
There is no way in he** I would be out in this mess....
A~ Originally Posted by Alisha1972
My advise is to never consider owning an active breed dog. And yes, we had our "short" (30 minute) walk today @ 26F and 6kt wind. A hint is that they interpret a non-walk day as "we get to play hyper all afternoon and evening". At least it wasn't raining and the mud roads were frozen solid.
rekcaSxT's Avatar
This isn't that bad. When I lived in the midwest it was like this for 6 months at a time with a constant foot of snow (at least) the whole time.

But it is too cold for me to do shit today. I am chillin' (warmin') at the casa tonight, instead of doing anything else.
PeAcH's Avatar
  • PeAcH
  • 01-08-2010, 10:26 PM
This is the exact reason why I use a gym.

There is no way in he** I would be out in this mess....

I swear, I think I saw a polar bear with his teeth

A~ Originally Posted by Alisha1972
Hehe, yeah.. I guess I don't like the whole sharing equipment with strangers-thing.. :P I'm a weirdo! but it's ok! I have an elliptical for just emergencies too!

I don't mind the cold, I just don't wanna be frost-bitten..
Heck, this cold is nothing. I use to live in really upstate New York (near Lake Placid) and this is warm compared to some of the days I use to stand outside waiting for the bus to come and take me to school!
Okay...talking nearly 30 years ago, but
Yeah, my blood has definitely thinned in the time I've been gone but I too, grew up in the Great Lakes region. Up there, you go indoors in October and don't come out until April or May. It's cold for us no doubt...but it'll pass quickly.

Nothing matches the night when I lived up there when, after watching the Super Bowl, I had to go outside to help my buddy jump-start his car. Wind chill: 60 below. THAT was cold!

Heck, this cold is nothing. I use to live in really upstate New York (near Lake Placid) and this is warm compared to some of the days I use to stand outside waiting for the bus to come and take me to school!
Okay...talking nearly 30 years ago, but Originally Posted by mstrdragon
....Up hill both ways?
missi hart's Avatar
Hehe, yeah.. I guess I don't like the whole sharing equipment with strangers-thing.. :P I'm a weirdo! but it's ok! I have an elliptical for just emergencies too!

I don't mind the cold, I just don't wanna be frost-bitten..
Originally Posted by PeAcH
austin is too beautiful to ever run indoors. as an avid marathon runner i just couldn't make myself run on a treadmill or as a girl i run with calls it, the "dreadmill". the great thing about austin and texas is that even with this cold snap, you can still workout outdoors if layered properly. i only draw the line at icy conditions after braving the elements once for a run and ending up with cracked ribs.
....Up hill both ways?
Tess Originally Posted by Topshelf Tess
but of course! LMAO