The ultimate riddle wrapped in a mystery

wizzbang's Avatar
Why is it, girls...

That after making an appointment, do you then make us wait for 45 minutes, an hour or more?

I texted a provider last night, set an appointment for 1:00 p.m.. This morning, about 11 a.m., I texted the provider to confirm because, girls, this sometimes take some major gymnastics on the part of guys to make these things happen.

Hearing nothing in the way of a confirmation, I started re-plotting my day to figure out if I can move some appointments. Then at 12:30 p.m. I get a text asking if 1:30 would be ok. I stopped moving appointments and agreed to 1:30. I stopped working, showered, shaved, dressed, took Viagra and set off for the hotel a little before 1. GPS had me there in 33 minutes.

I arrive. Nice hotel so I went into the lobby to wait. text I was there and get the "just a sec" reply. I wait, and wait. Another text from her, "finishing lunch, just be sec". So I wait...and wait....and wait... and wait.

45 minutes pass, so I text her asking if there might be another, better day. After a 5 minute wait, I text, "damn, I'm going".

I check once more when I get to the car and she replied, "would you please come back another day?".

Why are all the plans we make, the schedules we re-arrange, the time and resources it takes to make the appointed time not worthy of simple regard? This happens so often that it has really become a 50-50 proposition whether or not the appointment happens or not. So many guys automatically have a plan B in place because it happens so frequently.

Now, some of you ladies might respond that you've never made a client wait, would never make a client wait and maybe so... but if I can possibly worm my way into heaven, I'd like to cut a deal to get back all the time in my life I spent waiting on a woman.

I'd like to know ladies...
Wile E Coyote's Avatar
From my experience, I have witnessed on many occasions where I am in the parking lot, text the provider I am there and she said she needs a few minutes. It turns into 10-20 minutes or more. During those times, I keep an eye out, especially if I know what building/apartment number it is as I have been to see her before, and some other dude, usually a regular that wanted a QV, leaves out the door and she sends me another text to give her 5 more minutes.
wizzbang's Avatar
I've hobbied here for over 32 years. I've seen it all and experienced it all. it just boggles my fucking mind that girls would have zero regard for their clients.
Wile E Coyote's Avatar
I forgot to add, the times they ask you to come back another day, the unscheduled drop in guy right before you gave it to her so good, she cannot take anymore for at least a few hours.

I have not had that happen, but I have had to wait, then decided to leave after 30. I remember years ago, I had a body rub girl that did that to me. She was even up front that she scheduled a guy actually in my time slot but said he would be quick after I was already there and in the door. I stormed out and walked to my car, started it up and was backing out when she called me and said he cancelled and if I came back, she would see me no time limit.

I pulled right back in and went to her place, we undressed and it was on for about 2 and a half hours, no massage, CFS the entire time with me spilling my babies in her open mouth as she swallowed every drop.
Grace Preston's Avatar
This is one of those times where its just important to remember that this is a field of employment with little to no barrier to entry. There is no skills assessment, no customer service experience required, etc.

Some ladies handle the responsibility very well. Others do not. It is very important for the client to set the expectation and be willing to walk away the instant that expectation isn't met. Otherwise, what is the incentive for the offending ladies to improve?
wizzbang's Avatar
I do have a "permissible wait time" of 30 minutes. I gave her an extra 15 yesterday as it's not a hard and fast rule. But it turns out, it wasn't going to happen anyway.
I'm not gonna name her here. Maybe in a PM, but this happens so often, just presume you're gonna wait for any appointment and be pleasantly surprised if you don't.
Wile E Coyote's Avatar
Another riddle that goes along with this in this hobby world is, when you make an appointment, day/time agreed upon by both individuals, you show on time, you are respectful, have perfect hygiene and come for no drama fun. The provider is late, shows little if any respect for your time, gives a lame ass session, no IOP, checked out mentally and watches the clock. You write a review and/or provide intel on how you were treated in a session you paid for, so why are you the asshole?
wizzbang's Avatar
This is why I find my "it" girl, my ATF and STAY THERE. The hunt is excruciatingly painful.
Wile E Coyote's Avatar
I have many "it" girls. Only a couple of them are actually providers that have memberships on boards like this. A few more are p411 providers that do not have memberships on an SHMB. Most of them are SC dancers and met them initially of sugar daddy sites.

As you know, strip clubs get new girls daily and the other sites let me know of new girls creating profiles that might interest me. If one or more of my go to ladies mutually decide she is out of my circle or repeats, I can easily replace with referrals from other ladies and they take a look at my 140+ OKs on p411. And I do not have to worry about some bozo(s) sending messages to girls not to see me.
Stevensegal's Avatar
You finally get in they are RUSHING you before their next appointment.

Seems like 3 bill ladies know how to do it, but man does that start hurting after every impulse BBJ need
Grace Preston's Avatar
You finally get in they are RUSHING you before their next appointment.

Seems like 3 bill ladies know how to do it, but man does that start hurting after every impulse BBJ need Originally Posted by Stevensegal

I've always been of the mind that once you're at that $150-ish or so price-point, there is no good reason to stack visits back to back to back. Even at my lowest price point ever-- I always had a dead minimum of an hour between friends. I've never liked to rush myself nor others.
TexTushHog's Avatar
I'm very intollerant of people who don't have their shit together -- providers or otherwise. And unless there is a personal call with an apology, I leave after waiting more than 15 or 20 minutes. I'll text them that I'm leaving, of course, but I'm not paying good money to be treated unprofessionally.
Grace Preston's Avatar
The "Restaurant Test" is a valuable test in my opinion.

If I go into a restaurant and sit down... how long am I going to simply sit there without a server coming to take my drink order? If I wouldn't sit there for 15-20 minutes.. why should I expect a paying client to do so for me?
LustyBustyGina38FF's Avatar
I set aside 1hr to 90m in between appts
Just incase A appt runs late or had traffic and if my room happens to be at the end of the world of a maze of a hallway & if parking might take more time than he relaze .. or If I need to eat & shower of just do a chill out ...

But my old RW Job run by appts so i'm used to being on time & had to be or fall behind as you all said give me 15 more min and i'll be with you and they are staring at you ,
DownForWhatever's Avatar
The "Restaurant Test" is a valuable test in my opinion.

If I go into a restaurant and sit down... how long am I going to simply sit there without a server coming to take my drink order? If I wouldn't sit there for 15-20 minutes.. why should I expect a paying client to do so for me? Originally Posted by Grace Preston
Plus One...but my fuse is more like 5-10 minutes.