Act Above and Beyond the Call of Duty

In an earlier thread, Hobby Bloopers, Sarahsmiles wrote –

I also had to share the time that I was doing an outcall, and the wife came home early. I had to grab my clothes, purse, heels, etc. and run naked thru the pool gate on the back of the house. It had a set of wobbly stairs that I had to get to and then try to keep my balance while trying to get dressed. They were doing construction in the neighborhood so I had to scale a huge pile of dirt..half-assed dressed and carrying my heels...and then dart across the driveway to get to my car. The motion light detector came on but I was like a gazelle and made it and got the hell out of there. In hind sight, it is really funny but at the time, I just remember thinking that this would only happen to me...of course!

Okay, to me that’s not a blooper, that’s an

Act Above and Beyond the Call of Duty

Does anybody have more stories like this, doing something extra? Mine – walking in pouring rain to Walgreen’s to get a provider a box of condoms. This was after our session. She was out and had another hobbyist scheduled in a few minutes.