It seems that every news show, exit poll, and incoming freshman House Members are echoing a common theme.
Health care was a predominate issue in the Mid Terms.
Republicans have spent quite a bit of political capital in the past years swearing that...."we will get rid of Obamacare". Well, to what end? It's still there. Yes, some items have changed, the personal mandate in particular, but it seems that the majority of Americans, (according to exit polls), don't want Obama Care to go away. They like being taken care of by the Government.
True, many want Obama Care because they don't have to pay for it. That number of voters is quite large. And it seems to be getting larger.
Maybe it's time to treat Obama Care like we do Abortion. It's not going away, and trying to get rid of it is a loosing issue. Maybe it's time to recognize that the majority of Americans like the security of the Government taking care of them.
These Americans vote. Get together with the Democrats and figure out someway to work within the Law.
The first order would be getting a handle on costs. I was in the hospital a few months back, just three days. The cost was mnd boggling. Sure, I have insurance, and Medicare. But I saw the bills. It was staggering.
There are no easy answers. People like me don't worry about it. I can take care of my own. But millions can't.
And they vote.