Thank you SCOTUS

Thank you much.

They just peeled a significant size piece of the Republican pie off the base. Plus they delivered a huge dose of motivation to the Democrats.
Like having Trump on the ballot, there is finally an issue that affects members of both parties.
It was never about putting Biden in the White House. It's always been about keeping Trump out.

If there was anything that was going to unite the Democrats and give them extra votes, this is it. The odds are probably still in the lying liars favor but they're a lot closer now. And they will make a victory taste that much better. Like 2020.

It won't be long before the Trumpys start prepping to squeal voter fraud. Again.
Before the elections. Again.
Maybe. Bringing out an October surprise in May leaves the opposition plenty of time to deal with it.
Not too mention the notoriously short attention span of much of the electorate.
Abortion bans are coming. Some states, like Missouri, are even talking about making it illegal to aid an abortion even if it is in another state. They will try to prosecute people in or their states for discussing or helping people get abortions across state lines.

This is gonna be good times.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Thank you much... Originally Posted by VerySkeptical
You're welcome, but it was really yall's doing and overreaching. Congratulations, you are the losers we always knew you were.
...Plus they delivered a huge dose of motivation to the Democrats... Originally Posted by VerySkeptical
Pretty sure that was the intended purpose for committing a felony and leaking it. Hope it's a hanging offense. But wait! You mean ya'll didn't already have motivation when you go to get gas, buy groceries, buy pretty much anything - if it's even available? Sure is for us.
...It was never about putting Biden in the White House. It's always been about keeping Trump out... Originally Posted by VerySkeptical
Piss poor planning and lack of a logical thought process on your part is a you thing, not an us thing.
..If there was anything that was going to unite the Democrats and give them extra votes, this is it... Originally Posted by VerySkeptical
You mean it wasn't about George Floyd? You telling us it wasn't all about Old Cabbage Head's vision, stewardship, execution and management of the country, economy and it's citizens? Wait! WUT?!? You think we are surprised by that?
...It won't be long before the Trumpys start prepping to squeal voter fraud. Again. Before the elections. Again .. Originally Posted by VerySkeptical
Average attention span of most is ~23 minute. For a liberal, it's likely half of that. You gonna be able to stay frothy for another 6 months without doing something entirely predictable and thoroughly stupid as a mob? Good luck with that.

texassapper's Avatar
They just peeled a significant size piece of the Republican pie off the base. Originally Posted by VerySkeptical
Yeah, that's it... a bunch of Conservative Christians got what they wanted and will now stop voting forever...

Thanks for your in depth political thoughts.. Probably going to go place a bet on the midterms now just because you're opened my eyes to this staggering piece of wisdom.

Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Maybe. Bringing out an October surprise in May leaves the opposition plenty of time to deal with it.
Not too mention the notoriously short attention span of much of the electorate. Originally Posted by JohnnyGleet
You hinting that it was one of ours that may have leaked it?
Ye olde rope-a-dope thing? Get them to punch themselves out?
Hmmm...very interesting <...strokes goatee...> Must ponder further
texassapper's Avatar
You hinting that it was one of ours that may have leaked it? Hmmm...very interesting <...strokes goatee...> Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
Except that the ruling would have been issued within the next couple of months... so no October surprise anyway...
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Abortion bans are coming. Some states, like Missouri, are even talking about making it illegal to aid an abortion even if it is in another state. They will try to prosecute people in or their states for discussing or helping people get abortions across state lines.

This is gonna be good times. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
You are not much up on the dynamics of what a Constitutional Republic is. Are you? Regardless, guess that means a relocation to Missouri is not in the cards for you? Yet some states are. What a glorious American privilege to have a choice. One of those subtle dynamics of autonomous states within a Constitutional Republic. Hold on a hairy second, did you get an Indoctrination instead of an Education in school? I'm thinking maybe so. Bummer dude/dudette.

You are not much up on the dynamics of what a Constitutional Republic is. Are you? Regardless, guess that means a relocation to Missouri is not in the cards for you? Yet some states are. What a glorious American privilege to have a choice. One of those subtle dynamics of autonomous states within a Constitutional Republic. Hold on a hairy second, did you get an Indoctrination instead of an Education in school? I'm thinking maybe so. Bummer dude/dudette.

Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
Clearly you can’t read. Or you’re just dumb. I suspect it’s the latter.
You hinting that it was one of ours that may have leaked it?
Ye olde rope-a-dope thing? Get them to punch themselves out?
Hmmm...very interesting <...strokes goatee...> Must ponder further Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
Probably a lib with short term thinking disorder.
Although those thinking it's a punch for the Dems should consider the Hispanic vote which is mainly roman Catholic and family centered and is trending more towards the right as more of them get better at English.
Thank you much.

They just peeled a significant size piece of the Republican pie off the base. Plus they delivered a huge dose of motivation to the Democrats.
Like having Trump on the ballot, there is finally an issue that affects members of both parties.
It was never about putting Biden in the White House. It's always been about keeping Trump out.

If there was anything that was going to unite the Democrats and give them extra votes, this is it. The odds are probably still in the lying liars favor but they're a lot closer now. And they will make a victory taste that much better. Like 2020.

It won't be long before the Trumpys start prepping to squeal voter fraud. Again.
Before the elections. Again.
Originally Posted by VerySkeptical
... You're about to discover that Abortion - like most things -
is another 70-30 issue... With the 70% of voters AGAINST IT.

Put it on the ballot in states and you'll FIND OUT!
WHY are you liberals too scared to do that?

### Salty
WHY are you liberals too scared to do that?

### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Look up Margaret Sangers views on race and eugenics.
Liberals actually hate blacks which is why they support policies that are destructive to black families and neighborhoods.
How many black owned businesses were burned on Jan. 6th ?
What gets me is Abortion should not be a religious beliefs issue.

It should be a Human issue.

The only way the Abortion Industry survives is through ignorance. Amazing as it seems in the year 2022, there are still people that believe a growing fetus inside a woman’s womb is just a clump of tissue that at 9 months suddenly turns in to a human being.

That is why the Abortionist fight tooth and nail to “council” women that there is no need for them to understand anything about mammalian reproduction, she doesn’t have see any x rays, ultrasounds, or what ever to see what is actually in there. Just remove it and live in ignorance.

Another amazing thing is that in the year 2022, with all of the various birth control es available FOR FREE, a woman and a man find themselves facing an unwanted child.

I say man because some irresponsible shit head stuck his dick in her.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 05-03-2022, 04:02 PM
Yeah, that's it... a bunch of Conservative Christians got what they wanted and will now stop voting forever...

Thanks for your in depth political thoughts.. Probably going to go place a bet on the midterms now just because you're opened my eyes to this staggering piece of wisdom.

... Originally Posted by texassapper
The Republicans will win the midterm because of inflation, higher intrest rates...

But with abortion off the table a lot of inbred Christians will not be motivated to vote. They didn't even vote in 2018. will move the motivational needle left but not as far as most progressives would like
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 05-03-2022, 04:03 PM
... You're about to discover that Abortion - like most things -
is another 70-30 issue... With the 70% of voters AGAINST IT.

Put it on the ballot in states and you'll FIND OUT!
WHY are you liberals too scared to do that?

### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
You're a fucking idiot if you believe that