Why is discrimination acceptable for some people?

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Lets define discrimination


/dɪˌskrɪməˈneɪʃən/ Show Spelled [dih-skrim-uh-ney-shuhn] Show IPA
noun 1. an act or instance of discriminating, or of making a distinction.

2. treatment or consideration of, or making a distinction in favor of or against, a person or thing based on the group, class, or category to which that person or thing belongs rather than on individual merit: racial and religious intolerance and discrimination.

3. the power of making fine distinctions; discriminating judgment: She chose the colors with great discrimination.

4. Archaic. something that serves to differentiate.

Now is discrimination bad? According to some people here it is not bad if it is used against the right people (we're talking definition number two).

What happened to plain ole merit? A college has 15,000 openings for freshman (this includes women as well) and 60,000 apply. So how do you choose who gets to go to THIS school? According to some like Bjerk the freshmen are required to be about 15% black, 15% Hispanic, 6% Asian, 52% female, et al.
So what happens to the Asian student with a GPA of 4.05 but is the 901st Asian student to apply. Only the first 900 can get in. What if you're a black student with a GPA of 3.4 (respectable but not great). Should you get preference over other students with much higher GPAs until 2,250 black students are enrolled. The same can be said of the white student with a GPA of 3.2 but a rich family (can you say possible endowment?). A college is about knowledge, education, and the ability to use both for something worthy.

No, colleges today have to set aside a certain number of seats for alum children, friends of the regents children, poor children (deserving or not), international children (deserving or not), gay children, minority chldren, and then the rest are decided on merit. Doesn't help our colleges too much when they have to follow through with grade inflation to show that the undeserving can compete with the deserving.

I would like to hear a detailed explanation from someone like Bjerk about why merit is bad.
A great American once said in a very moving speech: "I look to a day when a person will be judged not by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character".

This person would not have a place at the table of the modern Democrat Party, who insist on judging everyone by everything EXCEPT the content of their character.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Wow! Manna from heaven. School shuts down advanced program for students because it wasn't diverse enough. How would you like to be one of those parents? How would like to be one of those students going back into the general population?

A great American once said in a very moving speech: "I look to a day when a person will be judged not by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character".

This person would not have a place at the table of the modern Democrat Party, who insist on judging everyone by everything EXCEPT the content of their character. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Yes, I am certain that MLK would be a fuckin' republican were he alive today.....sharing your core values and all. Amusing.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Yes, I am certain that MLK would be a fuckin' republican were he alive today.....sharing your core values and all. Amusing. Originally Posted by timpage

Yes, he would share the core values of the GOP; lower taxes, merit based society, strong national security, smaller government, accountability
Yes, he would share the core values of the GOP; lower taxes, merit based society, strong national security, smaller government, accountability Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Your insight into the way black people think is pretty amazing. How did you get so tuned in to the black experience? Do you even know any black people, you fucking dunce?

No, sorry Admiral. Just like every other African-American walking the face of the planet, MLK knew then, and would know now were he still alive, that the GOP doesn't give a rat's ass about anything that matters to African-Americans.

Shit, you just threw up another post lamenting the fact that any blacks or Hispanics are allowed into college, medical or law school. What is it with you and the race-based posting?

Obama is black....he got elected President.....get the fuck over it.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Yes, I am certain that MLK would be a fuckin' republican were he alive today.....sharing your core values and all. Amusing. Originally Posted by timpage
If he was a libertarian, he would be a fuckin Libertarian cause he was fuckin everything that walked - he was a fuckin dawg!! He be fuckin no matter what the party.
But JD is of course correct on the larger point concerning discrimination, and he is too nice to call you a flaming faggot, unlike me who would call you that as well as a mother fucking piece of shit, which you most certainly are.
If he was a libertarian, he would be a fuckin Libertarian cause he was fuckin everything that walked - he was a fuckin dawg!! He be fuckin no matter what the party.
But JD is of course correct on the larger point concerning discrimination, and he is too nice to call you a flaming faggot, unlike me who would call you that as well as a mother fucking piece of shit, which you most certainly are. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
Talk to JD about it shitbreath.....if you disagree with him that MLK would be a devout Republican today because "he be fuckin no matter what the party" then it sounds like you and the Admiral need to decide who your heroes are....I'm guessing none of yours are African-American.

Regarding what you're willing to call me and where, I am less than 5 miles from Highland Park you swolled up, red-faced lumpy chunk of shit. Anytime, motherfucker, just tell me where.
Yes, I am certain that MLK would be a fuckin' republican were he alive today.....sharing your core values and all. Amusing. Originally Posted by timpage
Yes, (MLK) he would share the core values of the GOP; lower taxes, merit based society, strong national security, smaller government, accountability Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
I find it amusing when JD and his fellow Idiot's try to make the feeble claim that if MLK were alive today, he would be a modern day Republican.

Earth to JD Idiot: On the last day of MLK's life, he was in Memphis, walking with and supporting African American, City Sanitation Workers who had staged a one day strike for equal pay (with their white co-workers) and better working conditions.

JD Idiot, please name a modern day Republican Party official anywhere in America who would walk with and support City Sanitation workers (African American or otherwise) staging a one day strike for equal pay and better working conditions.

From Wikipedia:

"King travelled to Memphis, Tennessee in support of striking African American sanitation workers. The workers had staged a walkout on February 11, 1968, to protest unequal wages and working conditions imposed by then-mayor Henry Loeb. At the time, Memphis paid black workers significantly lower wages than whites. In addition, unlike white people, black people received no pay if they stayed home during bad weather; consequently, most black people were compelled to work even in driving rain and snow storms.?

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Next thing you know they'll be saying Jesus would be a Republican today, too.
The attempts by the GOP and the conservatives to hijack the legacy of MLK, to claim they played some role in getting the Civil Rights Act of 1964 passed because they cared about black people, and to contend that they give a rat's ass about what anybody other than a rich, white old man thinks is a fucking joke..... and everybody knows it.

The Admiral is fucking high on [the forbidden subject] if the thinks anybody is buying that shit....nobody is. This is the one place he can float such a stupid idea because he does it at 3 am with no witnesses other than the greasy cheeto-stained keys on his computer keyboard.
I don't think MLK would be too impressed with the "Mulatto Jesus"...

I know E T Williams isn't... or am I.

Her are a few quotes from another great Black American who would probably have a difficult time fitting into what today's Democrat Party has morphed into.

Her are a few quotes from another great Black American who would probably have a difficult time fitting into what today's Democrat Party has morphed into.

https://www.goodreads.com/author/quo...Barbara_Jordan Originally Posted by Jackie S
Jackie, I hope you are not trying to join forces with JD Idiot and make the claim that Congresswoman Jordan would join forces with MLK and both, if alive today, would align themselves with the modern day Republican Party over modern day Democrats?

If nothing else, it makes a good joke!

But that's all it does!
Discrimination is alive and well, because we all hate someone.