New Year Resolutions

Tori Hastings's Avatar
As Christmas is fast approaching and I sit here thinking that it's literally right around the corner, and then the new year right after that, I ponder getting started on my resolutions for 2012.

My number one resolution for 2012 is to get in shape. I'm pondering starting P90x, pilates, and yoga - and really going balls-to-the-wall with it.

I have other things I'm going to be doing, like changing my eating habits (I've already stopped drinking soda pop), but as I sit here thinking about 2012, I wonder...

Does anyone else have resolutions for themselves this coming year?

By the way - Hi! I'm Tori!

I'd be delighted to hear of everyone's resolutions, and maybe I can get more ideas for myself.

Happy Holidays.

First, good for you for being motivated to do that! I couldn't give up much junk food to be honest. I like food way too much.
Anyway, I think my resolution would be to spend more time with my family. I only see them once, at most twice a year so I need to make an effort to stay in conctact with them more often.
BigBaldBlk's Avatar
To hobby outside of Colorado in 2012!
burkalini's Avatar
To tell the providers I see exactly what I like and only see the ones that agree with it not matter how hot they are
To tell the providers I see exactly what I like and only see the ones that agree with it not matter how hot they are Originally Posted by burkalini

So your pooning will limited in the New Year?
geecue's Avatar
One of my resolutions would be to see Shayla.
Mine will be more toys, explore the Nuru massage and visit Europe
Roothead's Avatar
Mine are:
- to continue to "love, learn and live"
- to give back and guide others to achieve the good fortune I have worked so hard for
- to continue to be the best daddy I can to my little ones and dogs
- to continue to get along with their mom and make sure they see nothing but positive interactions between us
- to finish a manuscript that I have sitting collecting dust
- to continue to stay in good physical and psychological shape
burkalini's Avatar

So your pooning will limited in the New Year? Originally Posted by Shayla

Yes it will but I believe it will alot more fun
Oh mine is simple. Not to have too much sex.
not to sneeze when I am eating her out.
My New Year's Resolution is the same as always: Don't make a New Year's Resolution.

not to sneeze when I am eating her out. Originally Posted by ekim008
See Post#2...One of my New Year's Resolutions is to FUCK her. Yes, I'm resolved!

Good luck OP on yours!!! Happy New Year!

Im never getting BANNED again..