Jabin Bogan...where was Obama?

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Bogan was driving a truck for company that made ammunition. He found himself on the border with Mexico. He asked a US border guard how to turn around. He was instructed to drive across the bridge and make a U turn. On the other side of the bridge was Mexico. He was detained by Mexican law enforcement and was told that possession of ammunition was a crime in Mexico. This was in April of this year.

Bogan was released last week after paying a fine. His release was accomplished without the aid of the US State Department. Where was Obama? Isn't this what the State Department is for? Asleep at the switch again or taking in another 18?

Has happened to several people who were legal in the US but got in the wrong lane.Usually hunters.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
While I dont have POTUS's schedule, you obviously Obama should have been down there taking care of business, right?

I believe he was in Mississippi getting some cat out of a tree!

the "Where was Obama" like was totally out of line. As was your post. Go spew your bile elsewhere, Mailman!

Why are so many wing nuts from Kansas?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
It was an international incident and an American was unlawfully jailed. This IS EXACTLY what the state department is for. Why do we spend billions on that department and hire hundreds of thousands of employees if no one can intervene?

I came from Missouri moron. I live in Kansas or I as Iike to say, I occupy Kansas. Next year is the 150th anniversary of the burning of Lawrence, Kansas by Missouri ruffians.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 11-26-2012, 12:07 PM
where were you JD?
  • Laz
  • 11-26-2012, 02:27 PM
The state department should have handled this. Looking after US citizens while they are abroad is one of their functions. In this case where there was clearly a false imprisonment they should have been in the face of Mexican officials daily until he was released. The one caveat is that I am assuming the facts are correct as described.

Another question is where was the press? They will spend incredible amounts of time on unimportant items but ignore a US citizen being held for making a wrong turn and following the instructions of the US officials. They could have embarrassed the Mexicans into releasing him.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 11-26-2012, 04:02 PM
The state department should have handled this. Looking after US citizens while they are abroad is one of their functions. In this case where there was clearly a false imprisonment they should have been in the face of Mexican officials daily until he was released. The one caveat is that I am assuming the facts are correct as described.

Another question is where was the press? They will spend incredible amounts of time on unimportant items but ignore a US citizen being held for making a wrong turn and following the instructions of the US officials. They could have embarrassed the Mexicans into releasing him. Originally Posted by Laz


yeah, the state dept has lookouts stationed at every border crossing just in case someone needs to turn around and stop them from going abroad ...

the story sounds like another JD story
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I just checked my Outlook records. Obama was here in Austin listening to music. left a lot of money in the tip jar, too. I guess that made him a job creator!
Yeah, he shoulda cranked up the airborne and dropped them in to rescue the dumbass.

JD, you are a clueless buffoon.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
You can't click on a link??? Okay, here is how you do it CJ. Put the little arrow (it is called a cursor by some) on the words that are blue. Now, click on the left side of your mouse (it is not really a rodent so get off the chair) and your computer will go to the link on another page. That is how it is done. You can read the story and actually make an educated comment.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 11-27-2012, 01:12 AM
where were you JD?

simple question
trynagetlaid's Avatar
He asked a US border guard how to turn around. He was instructed to drive across the bridge and make a U turn.

I saw mention of a cop, not a border guard, in one article. I doubt the cop knew what the dumbass was carrying, but he sure did. And why didn't he have GPS? No need for the idiot to stop and ask anyone for directions in this day and age.

The stupid retard should be thankful his mom worked so hard to get him out. 7 months is a hell of a lot better than 30 years.

You struck out again in your ceaseless effort to denigrate everything our government does. Sore fucking loser.
LexusLover's Avatar
[QUOTE=CJ7;1051947621 the story sounds like another JD story[/QUOTE]

You dumbshitting again?

"The Wall of Hate:
11-23-2012, 04:01 PM


I certainly can take an AR15 into Mexico.. or a shotgun, or a pistol, or a rifle.. and the ammo specifically for that or all of those weapons"

LexusLover's Avatar

yeah, the state dept has lookouts stationed at every border crossing just in case someone needs to turn around and stop them from going abroad ...

the story sounds like another JD story Originally Posted by CJ7

CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 11-27-2012, 10:51 AM
you have an excuse, youre an idiot.