NCNS and "Rip-Off's", How should they be treated?

69er's Avatar
  • 69er
  • 11-22-2011, 01:43 PM
It sounds like the management of the site is beginning to take these issues seriously. I asked in another thread about what constitues an alert, but I do think the other comments on NCNS, where items are posted, and if they are linked to a profile, are all important issues that are part of the larger issue of fixing how information is disseminated here.

The purpose of this site, has always been to make the experience better for all members here. The issue is that the way things have evolved, along with the way search works here, have led to difficulty in finding information in a reliable way. The addition of linking reviews to providers profiles has been a huge step in a very positive direction, and I believe a help to providers and hobbiests!

I think the solution is not just if a thread is an Alert, but making decisions so that things are handled not only in a consistent manner, but in a way that makes the information easy to find for the members here. I believe this benefits both the providers, as customers will find it easier to find and vet those who are a good fit, and the gents, as they will trust that what they see here, is all that is available here.

To this end, I think a couple things are necessary:

Decide what is Alert Worthy, and make the correct place for Alert Worthy posts the Alert Forum. (I know, I'm all about wild ideas like that! LOL) I think we've heard some good viewpoints on this. But the higher powers need to make the call, and then communicate the decision to the members.

Please post your ideas on what belongs in the Alert Forum in this thread:

I personally do not care where NCNS are posted. If it makes it better for the mods to have them in Reviews or CoED, I'm fine. If it is easier in CoED because the rules are then clear that no providers ever post in review forums, great. What I do think is lacking, is that NCNS should be linked to a providers profile.

Another area of interest seems to be what I'll call Rip-Off's. These are cases of a lady allegedly not delivering what was promised. Prepay without a session happening in a time frame expected by the person who prepaid is an example. Bait and Switch also fits into the category of Rip-Off's.

It seems the majority of the population wants these to reside somewhere that both sides, ladies and gents, can have their say. I believe this does serve all here. In many instances I find it difficult to differentiate between Rip-Off's and Alerts, because when Rip-Off's occur, the one perpetrating the Rip-Off can use physical threats or the appearance of possible physical threat to allow the Rip-Off to occur. Of course there's always the possibility of the person being Ripped-Off, deciding to fight back. Because of this difficulty in determining how much physical threat is present in a Rip-Off, I would suggest Rip-Off's be handled just as Alerts are. This makes it easier for the Mod's and members to decide where these events go, and help to remove much of the grey area that makes such decisions messy. I think it is parmount that these events be linked to a profile whenever possible.

Please post your feelings on how NCNS and Rip-Off's should be handled, so that while looking at Alerts, these other important issues are not overlooked.

I obviously don't take this shit seriously enough.

For a guy with zero reviews, you seem overly concerned about how others share information.

Keep on topic and no personal attacks. The fact he has no reviews has nothing to do with his concern and desire to help make things better- Staff
69er's Avatar
  • 69er
  • 11-22-2011, 02:32 PM
I obviously don't take this shit seriously enough.

For a guy with zero reviews, you seem overly concerned about how others share information. Originally Posted by monkmonk
Your avatar is very fitting. Seems you have a great deal of "Manly Essence."


Please keep the discussion on track, and the personal attacks elsewhere.
LOL, thanks for the points bubba

I thought it was a valid point rather than a personal attack.

Carry on with your important work
I see two different issues here that can overlap sometimes.

A plain NC/NS when no money is exchaged. There is simply no meeting.

Or, money has been paid but no services have been delivered. What your calling a "rip-off" As the ripoff issue, to me, is more of a concern than simply no show, I would split the two apart. NC/NS is a fairly simple procedure issue that allows both sides to have a chance to rebut the charge. Because of the potentiul for a physical confortation in a rip off situation, ( such as a bait and switch) I see it as more serious and a more complicated issue to address.

69, would you consider spliting these 2 issues aprt into different threads before we get too far into this one? I think it will help keep things focused on the different aspects of the 2 issues and help arrive at solutions better. Also helps staff and management pull out the relivant facts easier. Entirely up to you
LazurusLong's Avatar
I see two different issues here that can overlap sometimes.

A plain NC/NS when no money is exchaged. There is simply no meeting. Originally Posted by Bubba3452

Sure, in a NCNS the provider did not get any cash and no meeting happened, BUT there is most likely one or more of the following issues to consider:

1. Client's scheduled his appointment, drove who knows how far to be there on time, only to get blown off. Out of pocket cost of the trip plus whatever business opportunities he had to pass on during that allotted time frame. MOST guys I know dedicate roughly 3 hours total to allow for traffic and shower and returning to the office for an hour session.

2. Many men take ED meds and there is a shelf life to the medicine in the body. Most men plan around the appointment time as to when to take it. A man using ED meds can't take it once she opens the door because it will not work that fast. So he has paid for the med AND it takes him out of the game for 24 hours due to the dangers of taking about pill. HE is fucked and not in the way he planned.

3. To almost everyone I have ever talked to, the NCNS is just as important and informative as an actual session review yet I don't know of a board out there that gives credit for posting them so there is no real incentive for guys except to alert others about it. Sure, we tell them to wait a day or so but if it is posted where the provider can reply AND it is attached to her profile like reviews, she may be less likely to do that shit if it follows her no matter what her excuse.

MY opinion is a NCNS should be worth the same PA access as a review because it truly is just as valuable to the other guys looking to see her.

If not 6 weeks, how about 3 weeks for a NCNS post?
A rip-off can take many angles,

1. Simple take the money & run
2. The pre-paid ripoff
3. Some goon with a weapon comes out of the closet and sends you running out the door, hopefully with your pants still at your waste.
4. Other thoughts?

NCNS by the gal can have different angles, I guess really different amounts of time wasted.

Of course, then we have the NCNS by the guy, where he either just plain no shows or where he arrives on sight and gets spooked.

A guy could very easily right a NCNS on a BP provider, with no proof, and get 3 weeks access to PA. Hmm, great way for LE to get access.

If we give PA access for NCNS, do we take away access when the guy NCNS?

And if a guy is the rip-off?

Sorry, I don't see anyway to have a clear cut policy on much of this.
I obviously don't take this shit seriously enough. Originally Posted by monkmonk
For a guy with zero reviews, you seem overly concerned about how others share information.

Keep on topic and no personal attacks. The fact he has no reviews has nothing to do with the his concern and desire to help make things better- Staff Originally Posted by monkmonk

really? REALLY?! I don't see anything "point" worthy in mm's post. I've seen far far worse things said. Ridiculous.

With that said, I think that if a provider rips off a guy (ie he prepays and she doesn't make good, or cash and dash) that the client should write a review of the girl, with an obvious NO recommendation and explaining what went down. Then it's attached to her profile, problem solved.

As for NC/NS I think there is way too much gray area to be able to really find a place for that. It's not alert worthy IMO, it's just frustrating and unfortunate. Guys NC/NS girls all the time, so it should be a two way street. If you can attach it to our reviews that there was a NC/NS then we should be able to do that to the men who pull the same shit on us.
Fort Worth Punk's Avatar
I think one needs to consider where is a typical user likely to look for the information. As we have seen time and time again guys look for NCNS in reviews and theft/scams in alerts. We have also seen they do not look in co-ed.

If the purpose of the site is to share information that should be considered.
I agree with Jamie, about everything.

As for monkmonk, apparently he didn't get the memo that everybody here has to be treated with kid gloves. God forbid somebody get their little feelings hurt, even if it's for something completely legitimate. I mean, this is a SHMB with a bunch of anonymous people, niceties should definitely be priority #1. I'd suggest we ban all curse words and discussion of lewd activity, but I probably need to start another fucking thread for that.
Jules Jaguar's Avatar

really? REALLY?! I don't see anything "point" worthy in mm's post. I've seen far far worse things said. Ridiculous.

With that said, I think that if a provider rips off a guy (ie he prepays and she doesn't make good, or cash and dash) that the client should write a review of the girl, with an obvious NO recommendation and explaining what went down. Then it's attached to her profile, problem solved.

As for NC/NS I think there is way too much gray area to be able to really find a place for that. It's not alert worthy IMO, it's just frustrating and unfortunate. Guys NC/NS girls all the time, so it should be a two way street. If you can attach it to our reviews that there was a NC/NS then we should be able to do that to the men who pull the same shit on us. Originally Posted by Jamieyoung
Couldn't have said it better myself
Boltfan's Avatar
I also agree with Jamie about the NC/NS part of things. If this is all about information then threads about NC/NS from guys should be attached to their profile and able to be read in the open so the guy can respond, just as it should be that the ladies can respond.
Sleepy363's Avatar
The problem with NC/NS issues are that they can be made up, or can be a he said, she said type of situation. The mods here are then put in a situation where they have to become the hobby police and try to judge who sounds more credible. That puts a much larger workload burden on them.

It would be great info to know and have on their review listings. I am just not sure how it can be done.
CRamsey's Avatar
Well if Brooke got her VP status removed because of her actions, that would mean someone could make something up to get a provider's status taken away too.

It's almost impossible to regulate
Still asleep I totaly agree. Its one of the major issue with this. Who knows what is true? Like with fake reviews, I have had to play detective from time to time to try to decide who is telling the truth and often its tough, if not impossible.

Do you really want to link a NC/NS or even some of the rip offs automaticy to someones profile without proof its true? Unless you really think we never have members on both sides that make up things for their own agendas? I totaly agree these things need to be posted and am happy to discuss what forum they are most effecive in. But linking anything negitive to anyones profile when there is no proof is plain wrong. The repercusssins could be devastating, especialy to a provider. God forbid several guys who don't like a provider should get together and both write NC/NS or scams about that provider.