Crisis at the border

dilbert firestorm's Avatar

Only this time, they face a bona fide emergency on the border, and they’re struggling to make the case there’s truly a problem.

Record numbers of migrant families are streaming into the United States, overwhelming border agents and leaving holding cells dangerously overcrowded with children, many of whom are falling sick.
themystic's Avatar
gfejunkie's Avatar
So it's not a "manufactured crisis" after all...

rexdutchman's Avatar
And the Hypocrisy continues !!!!
themystic's Avatar
Someone please take me to the border and show me where this crisis is happening. Maybe General Trump can mobilize one of his other generals.

LMFAO !!!!!!
Someone please take me to the border and show me where this crisis is happening. Maybe General Trump can mobilize one of his other generals.

LMFAO !!!!!! Originally Posted by themystic
So you are just going to continue to quote an article referencing Howard Stern calling Trump followers morons for Trump not requesting at least 20 Billion instead of 5?
themystic's Avatar
So you are just going to continue to quote an article referencing Howard Stern calling Trump followers morons for Trump not requesting at least 20 Billion instead of 5? Originally Posted by eccielover
Please read the quote Eccie. Take it anyway you want. LMFAO!!!

“You gotta know Donald a bit to understand what’s going on here. The wall’s a simplistic answer to our problems with immigration. It’s something that, you know, morons can get behind because they’re like, ‘Oh yeah, if you build a wall no one can get over it.’ But it’s not that simple,” Stern told listeners of his eponymous show.

Stern called them Morons
bamscram's Avatar

Only this time, they face a bona fide emergency on the border, and they’re struggling to make the case there’s truly a problem.

Record numbers of migrant families are streaming into the United States, overwhelming border agents and leaving holding cells dangerously overcrowded with children, many of whom are falling sick. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm

People entering the Us was on a decline since 2000, till Trump crowed about closing the border. That started the influx of people wanting in now.
Trump mfg the crises.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Yeah Howard Stern That's where I get my news sssssss
  • oeb11
  • 01-11-2019, 04:10 PM
I would be truly embarrassed to quote that low-life Howard Stern as authoritative at any thing

other than masturbation.

raise your game- TM
Why is it that Libtards cannot understand this simple fact - ONE AMERICAN KILLED BY AN ILLEGAL IS ONE TOO MANY.
The Libtards do not care about Americans anymore. SAD.
themystic's Avatar
Why is it that Libtards cannot understand this simple fact - ONE AMERICAN KILLED BY AN ILLEGAL IS ONE TOO MANY.
The Libtards do not care about Americans anymore. SAD. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
Awwww. Im so sorry to hear you have the blues today sweetheart. I know the Lama's not feeling very good today either. You two didn't eat at the same place today did you? I know this outbreak of killings at the border is, well, UNHEARD OF. ITS ALMOST UNBELIEVABLE. Hopefully this wall will be finished soon. The survey and buyout of the current properties can easily be completed in two years and with good old American ingenuity the actual physical wall should be completed within 5 years. Im SAD to Ellen. I feel like we have wasted the last two years. By the time its completed Trump will have already been out of office for a whole year. It Really is SAD darling
Dang Austin Ellen. You're a lot closer to the dreaded border than me. Glad Obama kept you safe w/o shitting on gvnt employees and the educated American public to feed his ego
themystic's Avatar
Dang Austin Ellen. You're a lot closer to the dreaded border than me. Glad Obama kept you safe w/o shitting on gvnt employees and the educated American public to feed his ego Originally Posted by Tsmokies
I was in Austin 2 weeks ago. They ( illegals) were everywhere you looked. The local residents were terrified. At the Willie & Lukas Nelson concert people were huddled in fear drinking heavy amounts of alcohol to cope. There were thousands of people on 6th street banded together for safety. I hope the good citizens of Austin are safe during the crisis. Your right TS we never had this problem under Obama. I wonder what has happen to ignite this crisis?
bamscram's Avatar
Terrorist caught at the southern border-6
Terrorist caught at northern border -41
Where should the wall be built?