Senator Says Congress Almost Ready for Trump Indictment

  • oeb11
  • 01-16-2019, 10:53 AM
Senator Says Congress Almost Ready for Trump Indictment
A senior Democratic senator has suggested Congress is almost ready to indict President Donald Trump, and is hopeful he may face criminal charges.Sheldon Whitehouse, the Democratic senator from Rhode Island, spoke to CNN anchor Chris Cuomo on Tuesday and stressed that while Congress is closing in on Trump, more evidence is required for an air-tight case.

“I do not at all subscribe to the [Office of Legal Counsel] theory that a president can’t be indicted,” Whitehouse told Cuomo. “I think that if there are crimes that he has committed he should be indicted.”
“I think that the Office of Legal Counsel [OLC] and the Department of Justice bends over backward to take the most executive branch-friendly position that it possibly can,” he continued, “but I think a court taking a look at this would say, ‘No, no no, no, no.’”
The OLC says that indicting a sitting president would be unconstitutional as it would “undermine the capacity of the executive branch to perform its constitutionally assigned functions.”
But Whitehouse cited “the Nixon precedents and others,” which he said do not support the concept of a president “not being answerable to the public in this way.”
The senator warned that an unanswerable president “would create a terrible situation—you've got a president who the public knows is the subject of criminal investigation, may very well be involved in criminal activity, and you don't get a resolution of that question. You don’t get pressure on him to answer questions and get out—that doesn’t seem like an appropriate way to deal with it.”
However, when Cuomo asked if there was enough evidence against Trump to bring charges now, Whitehouse noted he would like investigators to have more time. A former U.S. attorney and former attorney general for Rhode Island, Whitehouse said: “I would want to know a lot more.”
“We are certainly in a mode, I believe, of moving toward indictment and charges of the president. But I do not believe, based on what I know―[special counsel Robert Mueller] may know more―that we’re at the stage of actually being able to make the charge.”
Cuomo then put it to the senator that there is still no proof of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia, but Whitehouse disagreed. “I would not say that,” he told the journalist. “I would say there has been no direct proof.”
“I think that there is a lot of circumstantial evidence that has piled up that one perhaps could take to a jury. But as a prosecutor carrying the burden of persuasion with reasonable doubt on the defendant's side, I’d want to keep investigating and try to get some really direct evidence.”

DPST's - Go Celebrate like its' 19999!!!!
This idiot Senator thinks he's Got Trump!!!
And then, the wishy-washy starts.

Idiot Senator does not understand the concept of Impeachment!!
Maybe Pelosi can Learn Him!!!
classic MSM.

Let's hear it from the DPST's - Party of Putin, Lenin, Marx, Brezhnev, and Xi!
winn dixie's Avatar
Looks like this senator has been eating the same pudding as ruthie........smh
i haven't heard of one "crime" of trump's to date
rexdutchman's Avatar
Idiots and fools are running the country , Oh and the no crime will not stop them TDS caused by MSM
  • grean
  • 01-16-2019, 11:35 AM
He may be innocent.

What if he isn't? What if it's discovered that he did do something? What then?
rexdutchman's Avatar
"Do as I say not as I do" , Scare Deceive distract deflect Yup Liberal behavior at it best , Just look to the wall, border issues The fact that he did nothing wrong doesn't mean anything to there people.( other then get elected )
TheDaliLama's Avatar
I predict that a Liberal Jackass will post on here soon and spew more of this nonsense.

  • oeb11
  • 01-16-2019, 12:16 PM
He may be innocent.

What if he isn't? What if it's discovered that he did do something? What then? Originally Posted by grean

Our Constitution clearly spells out the remedy for "high crimes and misdemeanors" by a POTUS.
Impeachment by the House - followed by trial and vote in the Senate.
This idiot Senator likely has never read the Constitution - and cares nothing about it. It is political grandstanding - just like the Judicial committee DPST's at the Kavanaugh hearing.

There is legal opinion from the AG that a sitting POTUS cannot be indicted.
  • oeb11
  • 01-16-2019, 12:18 PM
Where are our vocal DPST's to defend the Idiot Senator????
Where are the Trump haters????

Please - I would like to see your opinions!!!!
He may be innocent.

What if he isn't? What if it's discovered that he did do something? What then? Originally Posted by grean
I predict that a Liberal Jackass will post on here soon and spew more of this nonsense.

5-4-3-2-1...... Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Cuomo then put it to the senator that there is still no proof of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia, but Whitehouse disagreed. “I would not say that,” he told the journalist. “I would say there has been no direct proof.”

This clown is clearly biased. He will never accept a ruling that shows no collusion or obstruction.

i wonder if the liberal left realize that if Trump and Putin did collude .. what makes them think a stumblebum like Bob Mueller can prove it?


i mean Vlad is a maser KGB spy yes?!?
I read in the National Inquire that the Dems were proposing an amendment to the Constitution...where any Republican President can be impeached at anytime...if they DON'T like him...
themystic's Avatar
Our Constitution clearly spells out the remedy for "high crimes and misdemeanors" by a POTUS.
Impeachment by the House - followed by trial and vote in the Senate.
This idiot Senator likely has never read the Constitution - and cares nothing about it. It is political grandstanding - just like the Judicial committee DPST's at the Kavanaugh hearing.

There is legal opinion from the AG that a sitting POTUS cannot be indicted. Originally Posted by oeb11
Calm down oeb. We are only 16 days into the new year. Im not sure if you heard but there's a new sheriff in town. Nancy is IN THE HOUSE!!!!!!!!

What does the rapist Kavanaugh have to do with anything? Oh that's right they can impeach that fraud to.

DRAIN THE SWAMP BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL watching Pelosi beat the cum out of Trump!!
themystic's Avatar
I read in the National Inquire that the Dems were proposing an amendment to the Constitution...where any Republican President can be impeached at anytime...if they DON'T like him... Originally Posted by bb1961
I missed that one. That's silly bb. A lot of the people that read that shit are the same people that go to WWE matches, Trump Rally's, well you get the point, Deplorable Morons. I heard one moron actually saying Ted Cruz's father was part of the JFK killing. It would take a real moron to believe that.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
What took you so long?