"Russian" - term originations

  • txcar
  • 04-07-2013, 02:04 AM
Pretty random question, but does anyone know where the term "Russian" came from? Why did that specific act get named that?
catbanger's Avatar
It was a form of birth control used in Russa, like oral was used in France and anal was used in Greece.
  • txcar
  • 04-07-2013, 10:36 AM
Learn something new very day. Thanks, man.
Learn something new very day. Thanks, man. Originally Posted by txcar
No kidding. Good trivia.
"Greek as a term for anal sex has been used for a long time and refers to the habits of the ancient Greeks, when it was supposedly acceptable for an older man to engage in anal sex with younger men. Actually though, this conception is not as true as many think it is. Although it was acceptable and thought of as a part of a young man's upbringing to engage in non-penetrative sex with an older man, anal sex was considered a shameful thing to do (more so for the young man than for the older man mounting him). Nevertheless, the rumour stuck."

Still looking for an actual reference to the orgins of Russian


As would be expected, its actualy hard to know for sure how the terms came to be. They have been around a long time. But, I really doubt they have little to do with birth control though its is a possibility of course.

http://forum.myredbook.com/dcforum2/...l/44315.html#1 Interesting comments
Greek as a term for anal sex has been used for a long time and refers to the habits of the ancient Greeks, when it was supposedly acceptable for an older man to engage in anal sex with younger men. Actually though, this conception is not as true as many think it is. Although it was acceptable and thought of as a part of a young man's upbringing to engage in non-penetrative sex with an older man, anal sex was considered a shameful thing to do (more so for the young man than for the older man mounting him). Nevertheless, the rumour stuck.
Greek as a term for anal sGreek as a term for anal sex has been used for a long time and refers to the habits of the ancient Greeks, when it was supposedly acceptable for an older man to engage in anal sex with younger men. Actually though, this conception is not as true as many think it is. Although it was acceptable and thought of as a part of a young man's upbringing to engage in non-penetrative sex with an older man, anal sex was considered a shameful thing to do (more so for the young man than for the older man mounting him). Nevertheless, the rumour stuck.
ex has been used for a long time and refers to the habits of the ancient Greeks, when it was supposedly acceptable for an older man to engage in anal sex with younger men. Actually though, this conception is not as true as many think it is. Although it was acceptable and thought of as a part of a young man's upbringing to engage in non-penetrative sex with an older man, anal sex was considered a shameful thing to do (more so for the young man than for the older man mounting him). Nevertheless, the rumour stuck"Greek as a term for anal sex has been used for a long time and refers to the habits of the ancient Greeks, when it was supposedly acceptable for an older man to engage in anal sex with younger men. Actually though, this conception is not as true as many think it is. Although it was acceptable and thought of as a part of a young man's upbringing to engage in non-penetrative sex with an older man, anal sex was considered a shameful thing to do (more so for the young man than for the older man mounting him). Nevertheless, the rumour stuck.
@catbanger, good info. i learned somthing
Actually, the term "Russian" is a CIA term from the cold war ERA. This information was once top secret, but I doubt it still is:

There are a couple of mountain peaks in the Ural mountains informally referred to as Большая грудь by the Russians. Not sure how you pronounce it but it translate in english to "Big Tits" [similar to the Grand Tetons in the Rockies]

An area between the peaks was used as a testing ground for missiles, which commonly exploded during the early days of development and still do but that information was suppressed from the news media.

It was sort of a running joke with the CIA that the Russians spent so much time and money exploding their missiles between a pair of "big tits"... Hence the term "Russian" naturally became a popular sexual term.
I don't know about Russian, but I heard a new catch phrase for Acitvia last night during a commercial on Mad Men. "Activia....the feel good Greek." I about spit out my drink.