Austin radio

sue_nami's Avatar
we have a plethora of riches here for radio. I am listening to sun radio blue monday right now. I love the choices here. what stations do u listen to here on the radio? I love KUTX and KUT most. Listen to KOOP a lot for certain shows and Sun radio is good.We are blessed here for radio and independent programing and lots of blues and local music. tell us your preferences for radio. Do you pledge the public ones like KUT, SUN and KOOP and support them during pledge week?
Iron Butterfly's Avatar

sixxbach's Avatar
If I do listen to local radio, it's KLBJ or 1300 The Zone. I love my satellite radio and Apple Music too much. There's no rock that I like being played. Even with KLBJ, it's the same songs. Sigh.

101X - Jason and Deb in the mornings
illuminati's Avatar
Any station not owned and programmed by Clear Channel.
Victoria Columbari's Avatar
I have sat radio or I listen to Iheart radio. Too much talking and commercials on local stations.
pussycat's Avatar
I have sat radio or I listen to Iheart radio. Too much talking and commercials on local stations. Originally Posted by Victoria Columbari
Me too. Regular radio is so obnoxious. I've sort of listen to the classic 105.3 or 103 for Depech Mode or Crowded House or Steely Dan but their play lists are freakin' short. They play the same twenty songs over and over and over and over...

If you wanna hear a hobby hater on AM radio catch the former APD policeman union President "Sgt. Sam Cox" LOL. He'll drone on for hours about how anyone who posts naked pics is a "prostitute" and therefore they are condemned to hell LOL. His own daughter had her first baby out of wedlock when she was fourteen. White trash funny time.
nuglet's Avatar
Me too. Regular radio is so obnoxious. I've sort of listen to the classic 105.3 or 103 for Depech Mode or Crowded House or Steely Dan but their play lists are freakin' short. They play the same twenty songs over and over and over and over...

If you wanna hear a hobby hater on AM radio catch the former APD policeman union President "Sgt. Sam Cox" LOL. He'll drone on for hours about how anyone who posts naked pics is a "prostitute" and therefore they are condemned to hell LOL. His own daughter had her first baby out of wedlock when she was fourteen. White trash funny time. Originally Posted by pussycat
It's funny, I went to school with Sam.. he was always a "look at me" kinda guy. Every time we had "morning assembly" (for you kids, that's a whole school meeting in the gym thing, usually with entertainment, before classes started), he would juggle, dance, do magic tricks, or something to be on stage.. I was always surprised he became LE, (much less a m/c cop) he sure wasn't LE material while in HS... lol
Mainly KUTX and KMFA (classical for those who have never heard of it). Lately, in my car, I listen to what I believe is KCCN, 91.3 from Kileen,Temple. They play music from the 40's and some early 50"s and sometimes even earlier. Good for old farts.

I like KOOP. also. Have some funny stuff on there occassionaly.
David.Douchehurst's Avatar
Ah jacks off ta Dudley & Bob & Matt & Carissa & Daniel in tha mornin' on KLBJ. They's tha biggest bunch o' pussies thet e'er drew a damm breath!
NPR. So 'local' would be KUT...right?