Professor is embarrassed by his own study

I B Hankering's Avatar
Dan Kahn, a professor of law at Yale Law School, recently released data on the relationship between “science comprehension” and political outlooks. And, much to Kahn’s surprise, the data found a strong correlation between science comprehension and self-identified TEA Party members.

"I’ve got to confess, though, I found this result surprising. As I pushed the button to run the analysis on my computer, I fully expected I’d be shown a modest negative correlation between identifying with the Tea Party and science comprehension.

"But then again, I don’t know a single person who identifies with the Tea Party. All my impressions come from watching cable tv — & I don’t watch Fox News very often — and reading the “paper” (New York Times daily, plus a variety of politics-focused internet sites like Huffington Post & Politico).

"I’m a little embarrassed, but mainly I’m just glad that I no longer hold this particular mistaken view."

Good for you, professor, for remaining open-minded. That’s what fruitful research is all about. It turns out that even the New York Times reported in 2010 that tea party supporters are wealthier and more college-educated than the general public.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I wouldn't call him open minded. Why do you think he did this research? From his own words he didn't think Tea Party were too smart. He just wanted to prove it. Think of it this way; if Eva wanted to prove that all black men wanted to rape white women then he decided to do a test. Afterwards he found out that it was not true. So Eva concludes that maybe not all black men want to rape white women but he will still act like it is true.
Why would a law professor be obsessed with dumb people? Professor Kahn knows Tea Party members are smart and Liberalism is being exposed for what it is, spreading poverty.
I B Hankering's Avatar
The real problem with the professor's study is that he spent $400,000 taxpayer dollars to have his ignorant biases rebutted.

Govt Wasted $400,000 To Study Intelligence Of Tea Party…Found Had Better Scientific Comprehension Than Non-Tea Party.

I wouldn't call him open minded. Why do you think he did this research? From his own words he didn't think Tea Party were too smart. He just wanted to prove it. Think of it this way; if Eva wanted to prove that all black men wanted to rape white women then he decided to do a test. Afterwards he found out that it was not true. So Eva concludes that maybe not all black men want to rape white women but he will still act like it is true. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
It was a sarcastic remark in the article, JD, and the ignorant professor admitted that his own findings won't change his biases; thus, confirming that it is lib-retards who are less intelligent.