Pink Floyd's Avatar
Saw a news story this morning and they described the perp as a white man. When was the last time you heard a perp described as a black man.
Nurseguy76's Avatar
Le sigh uhhhh the cries of reverse racism and bigoted trolls come out in 3....2....1
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Hey, that is news and much different from the normal news you get.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
We had a news story here last month. A woman in an SUV had someone shoot at her as she exited the interstate. She was wounded and her daughter was in the car. Her assailant was described as "a man driving a purple car". You know how that turned out.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
You're all fucking crazy.

where's the outrage?
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Did it have a lot of chrome?
Guest123018-4's Avatar
What about curb feelers.
Fuzzy dice hanging from the mirror?
Definitely a purple Cutlass.
Definitely a purple Cutlass. Originally Posted by slim deez
Sounds more like a Deuce and a Quarter.
Even better.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I think you are all proving my point. I repeated the news story and you are all picking up the clues.
when the news reports just say.. "two men" in the mall parking garage shooting

or hit by a man as in the knockout game

or teen flash mob raids a convenience store or a clothing store or attacks people in a park or stops a car at an intersection and beats a man and woman

well an almost universal reaction generates in the reader's or listener's minds eye a standard description of the perpertrators by the lack of description given

the news media, by some reverse unintended consequence of their protectionism (protective of propping up their own fading beliefs or wishes), sends signals, right or wrong, to the masses

anyone remember the media wanting the boston marathon bombers to be white conservatives?

the news media (read the liberal news media), by edit, slant, omission, selection, bias, guile, zealotry, and twist have caused their own demise
I think you are all proving my point. I repeated the news story and you are all picking up the clues. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

Don't you drive a purple Honda civic hybrid ??
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
My car is like my women, black!

Here, by popular demand is the Eva Mobile

Now you can understand his thing for asses