Senile Biden’s Border Bloodbath has claimed another innocent life

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HORRIFIC. Rachel Morin, a 37 year old mother of 5 from Maryland went for a hike and was raped then killed by an illegal.

Victor Antonio Martinez Hernandez illegally came through our border last year from El Salvador.

These are the criminals invading our country at Senile Biden's invitation

Senile Biden’s Border Bloodbath has claimed another innocent life.
"HORRIFIC" only begins to describe this unbelievable and preventable crime.

Martinez Hernandez was accused of the brutal murder of a young woman in El Salvador January 2023
He illegally crossed the border into United States in February 2023. ( Illegally ??? hell he fucking walked across the open border into the US )

In March of 2023, his DNA was matched to a brutal attack of a 9 year old girl and her mothe
r during a home invasion in Los Angeles.

Rachel Morin , mother of 5 , was his next victim August 5 2023
on a hiking trail Bel Air Maryland , just north of Baltimore.

This is yet another attack on the United States by the Biden Administration !!