First Time in Vegas

Elmenfab's Avatar
Texas guy looking for some fun in LV! What’s some do’s and dont’s? Will be in town 27th-30th. Y’all can pm me if not allowed here. I’m a newbie
Wrong forum brother. Need to post in coed
Boltfan's Avatar
Moved to coed
pertpvyztrzv's Avatar
Probably should make a pinned post for this question.

Read the Forum. Then come back with questions.

Too many dos and donts to list. Too many options to such a vague question. It's Vegas after all.

Read, come back with something more specific.
  • Mplay
  • 06-11-2024, 08:11 PM
Gambling related get a casino card . Don’t underestimate how far stuff is if you’re on the strip in regards to walking. Avoid casino girls.