518-364-4464 - waste!

Hobby1750's Avatar

Waste of time. Bait and switch. Older and heavier.
Thanks for the intel
Hobby1750's Avatar
I'm temporarily no longer a premium member, otherwise this would be private. I'll just pretend it's private: being older and heavy alone isn't necessarily a deal breaker (I tend to have lower standards), but having an emanating odor most definitely is. Ugh! I was due for some bad luck. Toftt enough and (sh)it happens. In case the ad comes down, she's going by jaylynn, although the fake names really don't mean much.
Thanks Hobby1750.
Thanks , for the toftt . Her pics look good . I don't blame you for trying based on those . Sorry you wasted the money . Saved alot of people from the aromatic experience they might have paid for .