Award time

We as hobbyist' and providers hardly ever get credit for all the time and hard work we put into what we do, in fact it seems to be frowned upon by most of society. I decided south texas needs to recognize those who have gone above and beyond the call of duty and worked to make all of this a better time for all.

For the 2011 south Texas provider of the year I nominate Hazel. She brought more joy to the mongers of south Texas than any girl I can think of in 2011.

The 2011 hobbiest of the year is a tough call. I would probably have to say redd19. That guy is an animal. He went after providers, moco girls, and anything else he could catch. I'm sure he spent a small fortune and he was funny as hell on the board.

For the month of Jan, 2012 the top provider has to be Andrea. She took south Texas by storm with her good looks and great skills. She racked up around 20 reviews last month and those of us who haven't seen her are in line to.

The monger of the month for Jan. 2012, and in this case the term monger really fits, is the Capitan. He was only here for a small part of the month before he left to go pillage on the high sees, but he was a wildman while he was here. Everything in Corpus and the Valley that wasn't locked away in hiding got nailed by the Capitan.

Feel free to cast your votes and opinions on this. These are my big winners though.
Elgato69's Avatar
You are being way too modest Smitty. No disrespect to redd but I think the award should go to you. 26 reviews in 2011. That's an average of two per month, not including/counting the sugarbabies that you had the pleasure of nailing. So I think the award for 2011 should go to our very own Mr. Smith.

I would nominate redd for best supporting monger. I have seen his "game" on Mocospace and it is very impressive. His wit and sarcasm is very funny.

Up and cumming monger would be El Capitan with his self imposed goal. I am rooting for him to complete and reach his goal. He could possibly take the award away from Smitty in 2012. We shall wait and see.

I will agree with you on Hazel. She has set the bar very high for the other providers in both TCB and BCD. She seems to bring her "A" game 100% of the time. At this point I don't know if any other girl can contend for the title in 2012. And now that she is moving to San Antonio, hang on.
Smitty I agree with your choice for 2011 provider even thou I've never had the pleasure in meeting Hazel. Just reading her great reviews gets my vote. As far as hobbyist redd19 is a great choice with all his funny reviews but you have also had a stellar 2011. But my recommendation would have to be UTRSKR. He has added some great talent to this area that we all had some great times with. I know he may not have as many reviews this year like urself and redd but he is a big reason why most of us have reviews of some local talent.

The year 2012 is just starting and Andrea already has my vote. Oh those lovely brown eyes. I'm still undecided about the 2012 hobbyist. Waiting to see if a particular hobbyist comes out of retirement.
I tend to think of utrskr as more of a procurement man than a hobbyist, though he is active as hell in the hobby, and I'm glad he keeps finding these delightful girls.
capitan1962's Avatar
Well I must say I am flattered that Smith had something good to say about me while I am constantly giving him hell. I agree with most of his nominees but also think that he should be riding in the # 1 spot. I wish I would have found this group earlier but being married I did most of my playing around Houston.

The only problem I have with any of this is no mention of "Pookie" whatsoever. Am I going to have to post the pictures again for everybody to remember this fine lass (Not to be confused with Lassie, that was a beautiful dog)?
  • texcc
  • 02-02-2012, 06:03 PM
My vote is for Utrskr, he has been responsible for bringing a high quality of talent to the RGV, and I'll take quality over quantity anyday. For provider, Hazel seems to be the logical choice, with Honorable mentions to Andrea and Amy956.
rgvlife999's Avatar
utrskr needs a caregory of his own...give him the captian kirk award for exploring and finding new ladies for us.
  • helno
  • 02-02-2012, 07:04 PM
I second a category for seekers like utrskr. Without him, I don't think we will be introduced to these wonderful ladies and building wonderful memories.
DallasRain's Avatar
wooohooooooooooo congrats yall!

Hazel is one helluva hot lady!
To walk in a room and to be greeted with a hug, a wet deep french kiss and knowing what a hell of a time is waiting for you.. And in that small passing moment, you truly know you're appreciated.
Thank you for nominating me as your 2011 Hooker of the Year,lol ..It is an honor to know that I am thought of.

Also, even though I haven't had the pleasure in meeting Andrea, I have heard great things about her and congrats to her and I wish her the best.. I would like to meet her some day. hehe.

You guys are awesome!!!! Thanks again.

Mr Smith is my choice for Monger of the year. (see how that works guys? you stroke me, I stroke you. LOL)
I will refrain from voting on provider of the year since I have not seen Hazel, but she seems like a likely choice.

For hobbist of the year I vote Mr. Smith. His exploits as a hobbist are formost and he contributed considerable to the social atmosphere.

I agree that there needs to be a seperate catagory for those who introduce new providers. In that catagory I would nominate Elgato60, he is quite but a number of the CC ladies and as I hear it some of the RGV ladies are beholden to his efforts on their behalf.
billymaverick's Avatar
see, for provider of the year and month and all that, it would be HARD for my decision, i've seen many of them...but Hazel takes tops...Loved my time with Zoe, Destiny, Glorie, Andrea, Susy, Sasha, and several others...but for South Texas, Hazel truly surprised me in our first my ideas!
rjdiner's Avatar
UTRSKR is the winner for Best Producer.
To walk in a room and to be greeted with a hug, a wet deep french kiss and knowing what a hell of a time is waiting for you.. And in that small passing moment, you truly know you're appreciated.
Thank you for nominating me as your 2011 Hooker of the Year,lol ..It is an honor to know that I am thought of.

Also, even though I haven't had the pleasure in meeting Andrea, I have heard great things about her and congrats to her and I wish her the best.. I would like to meet her some day. hehe.

You guys are awesome!!!! Thanks again.

Mr Smith is my choice for Monger of the year. (see how that works guys? you stroke me, I stroke you. LOL) Originally Posted by HAZEL956
I really love it when you and I are stroking each other Hazel. I graciously accept this honor from you and look forward to our future strokings.
My vote is For Hazel as the Gold Standard for South Texas and provider of the year!

Andrea has my vote for Rookie of the Year

MrSmith is by far the monger of the year and the glue that keep us together

South Texas has my vote for the friendliest forum in Eccie.

Honorable mentions to: Red19, Louigi and the Captain!