Whats your worst Valentines Date?

Whats your worst Valentines Date? Here's mine.

A few years ago a date took me out to dinner for Valentine’s Day. When the check came, he reached in his pocket and pulled out three rolls of quarters, and a roll of dimes. Then, he started to break them all open and count them right there on the table. How freakin embarassing. LOL. It wasnt funny then. When the waiter came back, he was just as pissed as I was. He had to get a busboy to come over and help him carry the change to the register. He said his reason was, ‘I wanted to get rid of it.’ Talk about CHUMP CHANGE!! LOL
That made me feel real special.


stereo's Avatar
Whats your worst Valentines Date? Here's mine.

A few years ago a date took me out to dinner for Valentine’s Day. When the check came, he reached in his pocket and pulled out three rolls of quarters, and a roll of dimes. Then, he started to break them all open and count them right there on the table. How freakin embarassing. LOL. It wasnt funny then. When the waiter came back, he was just as pissed as I was. He had to get a busboy to come over and help him carry the change to the register. He said his reason was, ‘I wanted to get rid of it.’ Talk about CHUMP CHANGE!! LOL
That made me feel real special.

Originally Posted by HAZEL956
I had a sack full of change I was going to bring to our next appointment Hazel, but after reading this I'm thinking maybe I shouls just bring cash.
LOL. I can always give the quarters to my loving bride.
I wish I could have seen the look on your face when that happened.
capitan1962's Avatar
Every year is the worst for me because I am always offshore on that day and the only satisfaction I have is to close my eyes and jack off. At least I get to think of Hazel this year.
sympleman's Avatar
Hazel, I have a roll of quarters in my pocket for y...... oh wait thats not a roll of quarters.....


billymaverick's Avatar
one year, my gf of 2+ years decided that we needed to hold things off, a week before our valentines date, i had actually bought all kinds of things for our date, but she broke up with me, after the week was over, so..she never got them. she was mad cuz she told me, don't expect to get anything tonight, its suppose to be a romantic night...I said, exactly...if theres any night where I get some...its this night.
I had a girlfriend that told me at the beginning of our relationship, that in the past, she spent valentines day with her mother and grandmother since she didn't have a boyfriend. After a couple of years, we still hadn't spent valentines day together. Do you think she was trying to tell me something?
I can't remember Valentine's Day ever being that great. I shell out for flowers, candy, lunch or dinner. I don't get anything, including getting laid. I guess they are all tied for worst.
i have not bought flowers in twenty years, this year i will buy some and will get the fucking of a lifetime for them, now if only my wife would do that I woiuld be happy..................
silvester91999's Avatar
Hazel, I knew you looked familiar....
Don't celebrate valentines day, b-days, thanksgiving, x-mas ect. Well at least I don't have to deal with all the BS that comes with the holidays. And at the end of the day that leaves more $$ for play time!
Midnit369's Avatar
I was suppose to have a threesome wit my ex on that day for my bday. Instead got a rude awaking.
jughead1171's Avatar
Whats your worst Valentines Date? Here's mine.

A few years ago a date took me out to dinner for Valentine’s Day. When the check came, he reached in his pocket and pulled out three rolls of quarters, and a roll of dimes. Then, he started to break them all open and count them right there on the table. How freakin embarassing. LOL. It wasnt funny then. When the waiter came back, he was just as pissed as I was. He had to get a busboy to come over and help him carry the change to the register. He said his reason was, ‘I wanted to get rid of it.’ Talk about CHUMP CHANGE!! LOL
That made me feel real special.

Originally Posted by HAZEL956
Hazel, that is just too funny. Even though that was your worst valentine it was probably that guys best since he was out with you Have a happy valentines day
Mine would have to be,when I accepted an invitation to go to a V Party, that I had a strange feeling , from the start.I accepted an invitation from a much younger guy. I guess I was suppose to read his mind and know I was suppose to pay for my food and drinks, but he was all over me, like he owned me.I stayed and tried to make the best of it, but was too young(as in loud and rude to everyone) and and I got a cab and went home, that was such a waste of time, if I had know it would have been that bad I would have just stayed home.
worst....this guy i dated would take his mom along w/ us for valentines dinner. Surprisingly enough...the best v day gifts/dates have been from the wonderful gents I've met through here and aspd. You guys def know how to treat a lady right!