I thought of a few more funny user names

Humpty Dumpty's Avatar
Hepatitis Deez Nuts
Wholly Schitt
Heavy Doody
Val Treks
Clay Media
Virgin Jack n Coke
MT Bowels
Gar Dasille
San Antonio Sperms
Knocked Up A Broad
God's gift to women (in your coochie my sperm is swimming)
Pop A John
Hornier than thou
Icantbelieveshemademeusearubbe r
Yuri Nate
Charmin Clean
Humpty Dumpty's Avatar
And for the ladies

Jenna Tulls
Ghana Ria
Summers Eve makes me feel fine
winn dixie's Avatar
Hey Humpty !

Heavy doody is a good one........
Womb Raider's Avatar
I like mine
Little Monster's Avatar
"icantbelieveshemademeusearubb er"

Humpty Dumpty's Avatar
Pig Becker
Justin Iggar
justin_iggar's Avatar