Taking the plunge

Greybull's Avatar
Ok after a little over a year of lurking, reading, tryin to learn enough so I don't end up lookin like a total moron...although I have a feeling I still will end up doing something rather retarted before all is said and done, I have decided to take the plunge and go for my first adventure.

I already had some heads up info passed along to me on a question or two I had the other day. But alas I still have not decided nor can I seem to decide which lucky lady gets to break me in.

Sooo I ask you, the Yoda's or Yodette's of the Hobby, whom do you suggest/reccomend? I know what I like, but I certainly refuse to be picky right out the gate and head into this open minded.

Let the Noob bashin' commence...
CivilBarrister's Avatar
Asking that question is like asking what is the best used car you can buy.

If you are a little more specific, ie, tall, blonde, MM, services, etc - then you can get some assistance.

Otherwise, all anyone can do is suggest you check the provider ads and reviews.

Good luck and welcome.
Greybull's Avatar
I love my brunettes....but I must say, Blondes are kinda what I have been seeking. I am quite comfy with MM and welcome the thought of enjoying such. Height is not really a concern to me. Well groomed is a must...not wild on the fell hedges.

Services I am definatly looking for GFE.
IMO = HollyofHouston sounds like the perfect gal for ya.
She always has a great attitude, extremely sexy body, and above all is GFE+++
Hunter 510's Avatar
IMO = HollyofHouston sounds like the perfect gal for ya.
She always has a great attitude, extremely sexy body, and above all is GFE+++ Originally Posted by i_love_blonde_girls
I must totally agree, having seen holly on several occasions, you just can't go wrong there....I would give her my highest recommendation.

But be forwarned, she WILL be very habbit forming
usetacould's Avatar
I can highly recommend HollyofHouston as she in in my top 5 experiences.
dearhunter's Avatar
Your price range will decide who you see.

I recommend you start with someone like I-10 melissa or McKenzie and work your way up............so you will understand what you are paying for as you move up the ladder.

After all, we all know that we are just paying for their time and companionship.
carkido45's Avatar
Remember it's just a fantasy nothing more nothing less.
Holly gets my vote also.
I have never seen her but she has a very good reputation with the better gentlemen around here.
Also Aidan has a very good reputation also.
Both require screening which can be sometimes difficult for a newby.
Good Luck and Happy Hobbying!!!
Alpha_Male's Avatar
Stay away from I-10 Melissa! (Shudders) That is never for newbies. Only after you know great sex can you stray off the trail to get a blowjob/rimjob from a 4!

I think for a newbie you need a good solid girl, not necessarily one of the stars of the hobby. I would recommend Kylie, as long as you like spinners, she is newbie friendly and provides a good solid session for 220.
carkido45's Avatar
AWWWW Alpha you ruined it
I think DH was trying too pull a lil jokey joke on the newby
I-10 melissa would have ruined it for him
mysterioso77's Avatar
For a brunette lover like yourself and for a provider that would make you feel very comfortable, I would probably recommend Taylor Foxxe for a first-timer. Nicely shaved, well-done MMs, and down-to-earth attitude...
mrhunt's Avatar
Holly is a great lady. Another one I would highly recomend is SHEBE.
gearslut's Avatar
I would definitely second Holly as a first choice but there are lots of others that may work well for you too. Looking back now I'm glad I didn't have anyone to point the well traveled path out for me. I may have dropped some coin in places that were wasting my time but it was all about learning the ropes that I found challenging. If you've been lurking for sometime now then the game ain't gonna change none. Pick your pair of stones up and get the fuck out there. Stop worrying so much about your first time bro. You ain't there to fall in love....Good luck on whoever and let us hear about it.
dearhunter's Avatar
Stay away from I-10 Melissa! (Shudders) That is never for newbies. Only after you know great sex can you stray off the trail to get a blowjob/rimjob from a 4!

I think for a newbie you need a good solid girl, not necessarily one of the stars of the hobby. I would recommend Kylie, as long as you like spinners, she is newbie friendly and provides a good solid session for 220. Originally Posted by Alpha_Male
Some guys know how to ruin a good train wreck.............thanks.