From 50.00 to 1000.00 what makes the difference

burkalini's Avatar
Hey guys I was wondering what you thought makes you decide if a provider is worth what shes asking. Sometimes it's cheap and sometimes it's a ridiculous amount.We know that some providers are way overpriced and some I think the donations are too cheap. ( not that I mind a great deal). What makes you reach for your wallet and say this one is really worth it.
IMHO, most providers are way overpriced. By that I mean: at the end of the session, I think I've been scammed.

I have only been with two I would see again for the same price. There are some others (but not many) I would see again, but only at a lesser fee.

Not to hijack this discussion or anything, but I think that a lot of providers used to offer more specials/discounts than they do now. They used to appear in the "weekend" ads, and were good generally from Friday to Sunday. Now, the ads still appear, but there are few, if any, offer specials/discounts.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
IMHO, most providers are way overpriced. By that I mean: at the end of the session, I think I've been scammed.

I have only been with two I would see again for the same price. There are some others (but not many) I would see again, but only at a lesser fee.
... Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
Oh really? That's an interesting statement, Charles. Very interesting.

All things considered.


P.S. I promise to say NOTHING else on this matter. It's a touchy subject for many, though, burkalini. I don't see this thread going in a positive direction although if you search, you'll find several similar threads. Take care.
daty/o's Avatar
Regardless of what they feel their company is worth, I only see the providers that I want, based on what I can justify spending. It's one of the few times that the big head actually controls the little one.
burkalini's Avatar
Elisabeth thank you for your comments. I want the thread to remain positive. What I really want to know is what is it about a provider that the donation becomes secondary and the meeting primary. I have to be honest that most of my meetings I have asked myself did I really need to spend that. Just asking the question usually means it was not worth the donation. However there have been a few where everytime I think back its when will I see her again. I'm trying to find out what makes that feeling for other hobbyist and what as a provider do you try to do to obtain that.
Elisabeth thank you for your comments. I want the thread to remain positive. What I really want to know is what is it about a provider that the donation becomes secondary and the meeting primary. I have to be honest that most of my meetings I have asked myself did I really need to spend that. Just asking the question usually means it was not worth the donation. However there have been a few where everytime I think back its when will I see her again. I'm trying to find out what makes that feeling for other hobbyist and what as a provider do you try to do to obtain that. Originally Posted by burkalini

Time for Laurentius to post his thoughts in response to this one.
DianaDeepthroats's Avatar
About 950 difference there. =)

No, um.. I think it should be based on the provided experience..
but then again, we all think we're pretty great..

..........until we get the review that says otherwise.
LadiesFan's Avatar
It would be easier for me to tell you what I don't pay for... I don't pay for reputation/experience. Given two equally attractive providers, both with no recent talk of NCNS or talk of posting old photos... I pay the exact same thing for provider x with 6 weeks experience, that I pay for provider y with 6 years experience.

Cpalmson's Avatar
For me it is value for the price paid. I get aroused quickly and the first shot with any provider always happens within the first few minutes of a date. Lord knows I've tried to slow things down, but the anticipation always gets the best of me. Having shot my wad so quickly into the date, it is an absolute must that the provider I'm with allows multiple shots. When I first started out in the hobby, the norm was always one and done. Needless to say I became quickly frustrated. After awhile, I asserted myself and began by stating up front multiples were a must; otherwise no date. I usually won those negotiations When I research MSOG is the first criteria that I look for. If it is not there or there is ambiguity, I will not see the provider. I'm willing to pay $50 to $100 more for assured MSOG. Nowadays, I really expect 3 shots and hope to score as many as possible during the date. Now mind, you this doesn't mean constant pounding. I'm perfectly content for a gal to get me off orally 2 or 3 times in combination with whatever shots that occur during actual intercourse. So, as you can see it is all about the value for me. The second criteria is she must have a smoking hot body
burkalini's Avatar
Cpalmson it looks like you go for a value per shot mode. lol
Sa_artman's Avatar
I've traveled the low range and high range and quite frankly I've gotten just as much bang for my buck at both ends. I've seen the swimsuit model types and thrown away a few mortgages on mediocrity and met a few hometown girls who have just rocked my world. Sometimes I must admit I laugh when I see a provider asking $$$ or more and they don't fulfill my idea of a fantasy but then I remember that someone will or does find them appealing and will probably pay that rate. To each his own. I tend to think that as a 'hobby' when I want to play I'm going to reach outside what is my normal life and if it's worth it, then why not. It's like the slow'll know it's the right time.
***The biggest difference between a lady charging $50 and $1000 has got to be volume! ***

All things being equal in their appearance,personality, reliability and performance, the lady charging that much more is bound to have fewer dates.

Taking those extremes out, even the difference between say a $200 and $600 lady would also be volume. (as I said, all things being equal...but things are probably not equal if one stays at $200 for a year and the other stays at $600 for a year).

You might be able to see a new lady at a low rate when she's just starting out until she builds her clientele and re-evaluates her rates.

Anyway, a lady charging that much more for any length of time must be great BCD to keep clients coming back at the higher rates.

I charge higher rates because I want to be rested, relaxed and EXCITED to be with my friend!

It also allows some flexibility. If he'd planned to see me at 10:00 a.m. but needs to move it to noon, that's no problem. (and needless to say, there's no way I would ever be late or NCNS so people who place a high premium on wasted time will pay a bit more).
burkalini's Avatar
Honey I wish you all the success and believe you are a good provider. It's been my experience that higher cost providers don't really provide any better service than the mid range provider (2-300). Im agree on reliabily might be better in your case but the actual session no real evidence of the 600.00 girl being any better. In a porn stars case I think they are acutally inferior. Been with 5 of them and only had one good session. My experience anyway
i guess pure animal well as reviews. better be a famouse piece of ass for $$$$$.
pjpenner's Avatar
Since I've been an active hobbyist since 1986, I'm not all that motivated by the sexual aspects any longer. Due to the volume of providers I've seen over the years, I've seen it all and done it all with a host of lovely, beautiful ladies.

I search for the provider who has a documented track record of providing the total experience. Typically, these are experienced, mature providers who have a very solid base of regular clients. Yet, these providers generally have very reasonable rates because nearly all appointments are multiple-hour sessions. After all, they are spending time with a friend they've known for a long time ... not just client.

Over the years, I've found very little relationship between fees and a quality experience. That being said, my experience with providers whose fees are at the very bottom end of the scale has not been good.