Barr doesn't talk, we don't talk

eccieuser9500's Avatar
Dow futures drop more than 500 points as China considers skipping trade talks

The president's announcement also appeared to contradict fresh suggestions from Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin and White House chief of staff Mick Mulvaney. Asked Tuesday about Mnuchin's prior suggestion that the White House could announce an agreement with Beijing in the next two weeks, Mulvaney said, "I think that's fair."

Either this bozo of a president doesn't know or care what's going on in his own administration or he is playing a slow stupid game against the masters of patience. I think the former is the case.

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Dow futures drop more than 500 points as China considers skipping trade talks

Either this bozo of a president doesn't know or care what's going on in his own administration or he is playing a slow stupid game against the masters of patience. I think the former is the case.

Originally Posted by eccieuser9500

thank you valued poster! you've just convinced me that Trump must be re-elected to continue his mission to ...


lets dance

eccieuser9500's Avatar
You're welcome. Will the deal get done before reelection? How long do we have to wait?
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
who knows. I don't think it really matters. China is intent is to screw us over in any kind of ways just so they can be #1 in everyone's eyes.
Either this bozo of a president doesn't know or care what's going on in his own administration or he is playing a slow stupid game against the masters of patience. I think the former is the case. Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
When Barr and the IG get deep into investigating the FISA warrant will be singing a different tune...but most likely you and the rest of the left wingers on the board won't be commenting other than...just making excuses.
lustylad's Avatar
Either this bozo of a president doesn't know or care what's going on in his own administration or he is playing a slow stupid game against the masters of patience. Originally Posted by eccieuser9500

Will the deal get done before reelection? How long do we have to wait? Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
Ohh the attempts at ginning up faux outrage. A better question is how long have we waited for someone to actually attempt to address the issue and hold China accountable.
Dow futures drop more than 500 points as China considers skipping trade talks

Either this bozo of a president doesn't know or care what's going on in his own administration or he is playing a slow stupid game against the masters of patience. I think the former is the case.

Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
Considering the stock market is at or near record highs and we need an enforceable trade deal with China, maybe you shouldn't panic when you suffer a $50 drop in your retirement account?