State Department gadfly Peter Van Buren drops a bombshell on his blog. He claims there's a sex tape. posted Apr 18, 2012 11:11am EDT
Peter Van Buren, a foreign service officer who served in Iraq made the claim on his personal blog today in the course of alleging American officials' debauchery in Iraq and Afghanistan, and publishing a series of embarrassing photographs of U.S. diplomats.

Van Buren writes:
“Meanwhile, a State Department VIP apparently has had sex on an Embassy roof, captured on video, not that that matters.”
Then later in the blog:
"What if a video existed that showed a prominent State Department VIP on the roof of the Republican Palace in Baghdad receiving, um, pleasure of an oral nature from another State Department officer not his wife, or even his journalist mistress of the time? What if that video has been passed around among Marine Security Guards at the Embassy to the point where it is considered “viral” with many copies made? What if the Deputy Chief of Mission, hand in hand with the Diplomatic Security chief (RSO) at the time, decided that the whole thing needed to be swept under the rug and made to go away, at least until some blogger got a hold of it.
Would that count as poor judgement? What if it was published during his oft-delayed Congressional hearings?"
GSA, the Secret Service, the Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marine Corp; now the State Department. This could be an interesting summer. All of this ain't Odumbo's fault, but it ain't gonna help him in an election year.