"He who controls the present, controls the past. He who controls the past, controls the future." George Orwell
George Orwell was a very sick man with a talent for writing.
I think his sickness has gone generally unnoticed because he could write well, but that only camouflaged his illness.
. . . Personally, I feel that apocalyptic scenes are typically the product of pessimistic minds.
Orwell was certainly a visionary. I think he goes too far when he says "War against a foreign country only happens when the moneyed classes think they are going to profit from it"
I've always thought it was ironic that the most famous and widely read book warning about the dangers of socialism (1984) was written by George Orwell, a socialist. The book takes it's title from the one hundredth aniversary of the Fabian Society an English socialist organization which was popular with influential writers of Orwell's day.
Only a total nut would sport a mustache like the one he wore.
. . . I mean what other lunatic does he remind you off?
Only a total nut would sport a mustache like the one he wore.
. . . I mean what other lunatic does he remind you off?

Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
Charlie Chaplin?
I would have guessed Fast Gun
So, FastGoon, instead of making fun of his appearance,
................What problems do you have with what he said?
I threw out that little red meat because I know how crazy this board can be with a minor provocation.
The likeness is unmistakeable, but I knew somehow the loonies would twist it around nonetheless into something else.
When you have the courtesy to address me by my proper name, I might be wiling to enlighten you.
I read all the Orwell material I could find in College, but back then I did not have the experience to filter the dark and somber themes and examine the core more critically than I am able to do now.
So, FastGoon, instead of making fun of his appearance,
................What problems do you have with what he said?
Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
You are offended, FastGoon, so that is why you will not enlighten us with your wisdom?
............Or is it because you have no wisdom with which to enlighten us, and are hiding behind your offense?
......................I'd say the latter.