Unexpeccted tours

Lately i've been getting unexpeccted service. Most of the providers I've visited have been well established ladies with impecable reputation, and I've got great service out of these ladies, but these past months I've tried to go the opposite direction, to see utr or not known providers. I got to tell you guys, these last five ladies I've seen not only gave me exellent service but something really unexpeccted. Some ladies after I had rang twice and had time left, offered me Greek at no charge and of course I couldn't say no,so I had to get on the boat and take a trip. A couple of these ladies also offered me Greek on the second bell,even though we hadn't disscused traveling to the Isles before the sesion began, all for their normal fee with no drama or upcharge. One of them kept succioning on Mr. Johnson until the very end trying to milk me one last time even though time had expired. Maybe it's just me, but traveling to Grecce it's my biggest fetish. Maybe I'm a roll, but these ladies have a costumer that's going back to get more and more of their services.

Now my input is this, why don't established providers throw us guys a bone, something extra besides the agreed services, so that we don't hesitate to go back for more? I have got great services from established poviders, but I've felt that after the end of the agreed services, they have tried to end the appoinment or just showed no interest. Can I get some input from guys and the ladies?
ThatManFromTexas's Avatar
As long as they don't start threads talking about... how when we aren't available to pay them... them give free sessions to who ever is available at the bar...
Now my input is this, why don't established providers throw us guys a bone, something extra besides the agreed services, so that we don't hesitate to go back for more? I have got great services from established poviders, but I've felt that after the end of the agreed services, they have tried to end the appoinment or just showed no interest. Can I get some input from guys and the ladies? Originally Posted by robotman
And my input is this, why aren't you writing reviews of these UTR or unknown providers? Seems to me that if you liked them so much, you'd want to help them out by writing a good review and recommend them to others, not make your 1st post one that brags about getting extra services.
Lincolnpark's Avatar
And my input is this, why aren't you writing reviews of these UTR or unknown providers? Seems to me that if you liked them so much, you'd want to help them out by writing a good review and recommend them to others, not make your 1st post one that brags about getting extra services. Originally Posted by enderwiggin
Don T. Lukbak's Avatar
Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens
Bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens
Brown paper packages tied up with strings
These are a few of my favorite things
(along with surprise sodomy)

Cream colored ponies and crisp apple streudels
Doorbells and sleigh bells and schnitzel with noodles
Wild geese that fly with the moon on their wings
These are a few of my favorite things
(and unexpected cruises)

Girls in white dresses with blue satin sashes
Snowflakes that stay on my nose and eyelashes
Silver white winters that melt into springs
These are a few of my favorite thing
(anal-eze! don't leave home without it!)

When the dog bites
When the bee stings
When I'm feeling sad
I simply remember my favorite things
And then I don't feel so bad
hell, it makes my DAY
datyking's Avatar
I have always thought that there's a burn out mode in this business with the well established providers. Not to say that est. providers don't give good service, but more volume has a tendency to become more mechanical and more business like. UTR's, who may be new with less volume and frequency can be more personal and more spontaneous. It's just like any new job. You start out gung ho and eventually go into maintenance mode. At least, this is what I have noticed.
bbkid's Avatar
  • bbkid
  • 03-10-2010, 06:42 AM
Uh, your 1st post. Established, well known ladies offering that!

Sir, I'm not saying you're not telling the truth but I AM saying that I don't believe you.

Now, as for your thought of them offering a tad bit more for us to come back..... I'm all over that!!!
Wayward's Avatar
Or it's not his first post, lot's of folks flipped out over the events at the end of last year. They may find their way back with different handles, lets reserve judgment for now.

It is an interesting post and a much better thread than 'What's best incall carpet colors?'

If for nothing else than Don T. Lukbak's post which was hilarious!
Or it's not his first post, lot's of folks flipped out over the events at the end of last year. They may find their way back with different handles, lets reserve judgment for now.

It is an interesting post and a much better thread than 'What's best incall carpet colors?'

If for nothing else than Don T. Lukbak's post which was hilarious! Originally Posted by Wayward
Nah, I'm making a call. He's been registered for a month, admits to getting unexpected services from half-a-dozen UTR/unknown providers not to mention having seen an undisclosed number of well-known providers, has YET to post a review, and this is how he comes out of hiding? "More of you ladies should take it in the butt to keep us coming back."

He can stay a lurker. He's not on our team, he's out for himself, otherwise he'd be sharing his intel.

Topics like this have been discussed ad nauseam. Everything from extra time, to reduced rates, to extra services, to off-the-clock "dinner-dates" have been suggested. Bottom-line: if the provider values your business and company, she'll make it worth your while to come back. If she could care less, she won't.
Don T. Lukbak's Avatar
"More of you ladies should take it in the butt to keep us coming back." Originally Posted by enderwiggin
Formula for provider success with old Unkie Donny

1) Initiate bell 2
2) What Ender said

I do have a weakness for pretty little girls who play like that with me. Who don't?
Wayward's Avatar
My favorite "Level 14 Elf Paladin" neither agree or disagree but would like to see more than one post before looking for a rail to run any poster out on.

I believe that we may have something to learn from any new poster, but.... so many insist on proving me completely wrong. Could be the free anal just struck me as very funny and maybe tongue in cheek or perhaps it is seeing that even MRHAPPY was right way more often than I would have thought at the time.
My favorite "Level 14 Elf Paladin" neither agree or disagree but would like to see more than one post before looking for a rail to run any poster out on. Originally Posted by Wayward
You play "good cop" this time? I got "bad cop". Together, we'll find out what he knows...
boardman's Avatar
How about it Robotman? Care to share some reviews and UTR's with your new bretheren?
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
I MUST thank my good buddy Htowner for this term. paTROLLing..........which it looks like what the OP is doing.
Now I didn't try to brag and, I been around the block a few times anyone ever heard of ASPD, I was a member there for a few years before they had to let go of it, i just found this site. even though I wasn't participating all the time on ASPD I was an follower of many of you guys, thanks to some of you I got to enjoy some great ladies.

As far for reviews, UTR means UTR, some of ladies freak out as soon something does not seem right. So, the guys that had to deal with UTR providers know that they had kept themselves out of the public eye and would like to stay under(no pun intended, well maybe)and to be honest a bunch of poviders, are not to friendly with sites like this, I had sesions go sour for opening my pie hole and mentioning that I was a member of the defunct aspd. Plus, belive me, I had to dish out some Bens before I got to meet these honey drops, plus getting membership _for an anual fee_in one of those websites(no going to mention names)where YOU are screened and the providers DO NOT give out any info unless YOU check out, doesn't hurt at all.

Me just like all of you,had my hit and miss sesions with providers, but I also had good times, case in point whoever got to see BrittneyBella, will nod in content and agree with me, that she was one of the best PSE-GFE providers in town, although she was a pain in the ass to get her to answer her phone and get her to TALK LESS(being polite) But once she got in the mood, she would leave your legs shaking and begging to go easy on you, she really got into providing GOOD. Those are the services I'm taking about.(getting a bonner with the flashbacks)