someone is claiming to be an eccie mod

Aliyahking's Avatar
someone just texted my girlfriend claiming to be an eccie moderator saying his name is jay my friend is not even a member of eccie she posts on other sites he text her asking why hasnt she joined yet i dont see any names here under jay
"Jay" is a fraud and a conman. Tell your friend to block his number and ignore any further communication from him, even if he texts her from another number. He has texted other ladies in the past too. I don't know who he is but he's not an eccie moderator. I do know he tries to get free sessions by claiming to be a mod based on what's posted about him in the past here.
auknowho's Avatar
This guy is fraud if anyone tells you they are mod or a member you ask them to pm you on the board. This guy is specifically using mod handles and names to scam ladies. But one thing he cannot do is pm anyone on the board since he does not have a handle or any affiliation with the board.

If you need further information let me know and I will send it to you.

Everyone please note there is not such thing as Eccievip as he is using that scam. If a girl is smart she should screen and not accept anonymous text message from anyone.
Admiral Giggle's Avatar
He is the same guy who used to clain to be NYr and a few past mods to get free sessions.

His old line was "Hello, I just approved your current review." and then give some type of line to see them for free or a discount.

a few years back a gal caught on to him, tackled his naked ass and hog tied him with a sheet. She then took his picture and of his ID.

Based on the photos we have, he is the same guy and same name.

Always ask for a pm from the site.
mrredcat43's Avatar
I saw a rub girl a couple weeks ago and she cut our session short because she was contacted by a mod and could get her approved for the site, "gman" was the handle she told me. I didn't say anything to her about it, but I'm pretty sure gman is in Austin
I have been contacted by both "gman" and someone claiming to be "elchapo"