False reviews and harassment

Okay. There is a client I stop seeing not to long ago. And I stop seeing him because he didn't keep his end of the bargain. I finally had it with all of his texting and games, so I blocked him. I find it unfair that just because I blocked him.. He has the ability to write not one but two false reviews about me. I have been professional about the situation by not responding (even though his first false review interfered with my lively hood) because I hate confrontations. After writing the first false review.. he had the nerve to pm like everything is okay. Since it seems as though the guys listen to whatever anyone says instead of seeing for theirselves..I feel he should have to take down those reviews. It's unfair from a providers stand point. He knows he's lying about everything. He even said I was African American. Like really...
Sicko's out there. Stay safe.
Thank you he keeps texting me and pming me just mad so he wants to make me look bad when i was nothing but good to him he told a guy that messaged me for him if i would talk to him he would take the reviews down
mrredcat43's Avatar
He can't take reviews down. Once you post something, you own it!
Admiral Giggle's Avatar
If he has sent you pms on this site, hit the rtm button 9the red triangle with the exclamation mark). This will be sent to the staff area where all of us on the Staff can see what he is sending you.

As for text messages, that is communication between you two.

rtm the reviews in question, explain why you say they are fake. We will look into it. Once we read them, compare your issues, we will investigate. However, many of the times, it's a He Said, She Said situation unless there is solid proof that the reviews are fake.

Unfortunately, this is one of the sad/bad sides of the Hobby.