Solo first timer

I just got back from a weeks trip - mostly in Jaco- a little in San Jose- I did not like San Jose and would avoid it. I am a typical Midwestern 50 year old.
San Jose Report - I used seeking and had a ton of girls lined up - but the same stuff happens there - they can’t come - they want money before the meat- pun intended- so you will meet tons on it - San Jose is HUGE and dirty - y’all can have the sportsman.. not my vibe - I did fine one win on Seeking and stuck with her - 22 kinda a newbie - gorgeous- 15k instagram followers- she spoke little English- saw her twice overnight - 200 was fine - condoms are the norm- bbj was good for her- she’s from money - we went out to dinner and her table manners were impeccable- using utensils like a country club girl. But confessed to a kink for middle aged Americans- she watched tv as a girl - middle aged tall Americans she finds very attractive- she’s 5’1

Onto Jaco - wow - just wow - the Cocal - at 9pm has to have 100-150 girls from a ton of 8’s to a few 6’s and some higher - rate wise 200 and up but negotians - I took Maria - 28 for 200 toda noche- she looked like Marisa Tomei and it was uncanny - fun girl - comes from San Jose probs makes a grand in a weekend - which is huge money — mother - divorced- very common - sex was good - what you would expect - covered

And then Allison - the dheva spa - looki it up - I met her outside the spa - walking by as I had a beer - she smile and said hello - I said hi - she went in a store- waiter said hey my friend texted me - she just said hi to you - are you alone? Want company? She came over and we drank - saw her twice - do NOT see her in the spa- get her after work or before- absolutely stunner - 20 no need for makeup- and a body built for fuckin - got to know her well- 200 will work for her but you may get out bid because she is that beautiful so be prepared to go up - cover activities but she will do bbj outside the spa if she likes you and you are very clean - smell good - where some Gucci- she likes the smell of good men’s cologne -

A couple things Jaco - stay smart - don’t get hammered - birds of paradise is chica friendly , Ibiza is as well , they send the hot young girls in pairs from the studios to walk around and get clients to the studios- it’s very competitive with the massage places - pecking order and girl swiping- I would avoid spas unless you get them outside - go to the Cocal get what’s app numbers- but also be prepared to go fuck if you see one you want - they will all work - they have to give ID to your hotel - it’s really to protect YOU - I talked to a guy who worked at the Cocal for 10 years- if the girls want you to go with them - Don’t do it - watch out for that - if they won’t show id that’s a huge red flag- run from it - also the pssst hey buddy - stay away from those guys - they are everywhere along with pick pockets and people wanting to rob you - keep your eyes peeled and watch your 6 - cross streets- if someone is following you go in a bar or store - I got to be friends ish with one of the bouncers at the orange bar - he loved what I brought for my vape pen from Missouri - so having people that kinda like you is good just don’t totally trust them but he yelled at some guy - and the guy ran like hell.. I was like hey thanks he said pura vida - lmk see the pen? Sure…

Overall Jaco was a blast - San Jose sucked- dirty big city - but my seeking girl made it great- she took me out for Chinese before I left and my god was it fantastic- San Fran Chinese good for like 30 bucks -

I will definitely go back and I have contacts so that’s good - seeking isn’t needed in Jaco - if you are in San Jose - use it vs the sportsman- del Rey is closed - but downtown San Jose is so sketchy- just go to Jaco
laidbackfire's Avatar
Great notes. Thanks! I love CR, and find that meeting on the west coast is easier and safer than in SJ.

Agreed, don't trust dudes offering to show you any country. Also, finding girls on the street is easier and better luck. Meeting girls in front of nice hotels or casinos usually pans out well. Always negotiate down.

Lastly, fantastic tips you gave, Sam, on ID and taking them to your place rather than theirs. Important to control the environment as much as possible.

Thanks about jaco over San Jose ! Any links for Jaco girls that you want to share ?
In Jaco, is it best to just get a room at the Cocal?