PROVIDERS: Do you have tattoos? If so, how many? If none, YAY!

jelq's Avatar
  • jelq
  • 11-01-2010, 02:35 PM
Personally, I don't like tattoos. I know many people who don't. And I won't get any companionship with those who have a ridiculous amount of them.

This poses a question.... do you have tattoos? Why did you get them?

It's my assumption that some tattoo artist traded ink for companionship, but I may be off base.

Anyway... how many tats do you have?
I love how you equate "one small" with tasteful. Really? A tattoo of someone's lips on your ass is more tasteful than say........a full back piece taken completely from a beautiful Japanese lithograph?

I think you have an irrational prejudice.


I do want a tatoo, but I dont have any. Scares the crap out of me for some well, guess I will stay with other things sticking me!
I love ladies with tats. It has something to do with the forbidden fruit issue. Ladies with tats intrigue me, and (whether true or not), the more tats a lady has it seems the wilder she is.

But I do not discriminate: I see ladies with few or no tats too. It's all good.
Cpalmson's Avatar
Call me old-fashioned, but I don't care for tats on a lady. In some way, I feel it cheapens them. To me, it is the equivalent of being branded like cattle. The ones I don't care for are the "tramp stamp". If I know a provider has a tattoo in a non-conspicuous area, it becomes a factor in my decision on whether or not to see her. I don't have issues with small or discreet tats, but those that are just so obvious are a turn off for me.
Guest032213-02's Avatar
I don't mind tattoo's, just not on the boobage. I am trying to get off staring at your tits, don't make me try and figure out how a rose wrapped in barbed wire relates to the lessons you learned in yor life.
TexTushHog's Avatar
Flawed poll. No such thing as a tasteful tattoo.
i like tattoos the meaningful ones now i agree too much is nasty but here and there is alright i like the feeling of when im getting one
tia travels's Avatar
I have no tattoos. Didn't want them for a few reasons when I was younger:

1). I wanted to be a model and read that if you had tattoos, you wouldn't get hired. Then Kate Moss came along and tattoos are accepted now in the modeling world. Who knew.
2). If I ever became a wanted person (heaven forbid), having tattoos makes you too easy to identify.

Besides, having no tattoos is the having the best of both worlds because you can easily put on a FAKE one for fun and then easily revert to perfectly plain whenever you want.
heatherelite's Avatar
2). If I ever became a wanted person (heaven forbid), having tattoos makes you too easy to identify. Originally Posted by tia travels
Depends on where they're located I think. If they're in a place typically covered up by you then no one is going to see. I doubt the police patrol the beaches and nudist colonies specifically looking for people with tattoos who have warrants. And you could always hide out in a country that won't extradite so you can show them off freely

Or use make-up to cover them up when need be. Kat Von D makes a liquid cover-up specifically for tattoos. Speaking of her, I really like her ink/look and would LOVE to get inked by her someday. I have two tattoos already and definitely want more.
jokacz's Avatar
In one of her poems Mary Karr writes about a man who”longs to date a tattooed girl, because he wants a woman willing to do stuff she’ll regret.” Don’t we all?
I have one...and I would not call it tasteful. Its small though, on my inner left ankle. Call it a casualty of my "hey day". Would I get one today at 33? No.
Posting this from my phone because quite frankly appalled that people who are open to the hobby would be so close minded about body modification. Is it to e rryones taste? Obvs not, but still judging all peeps with tats based on the shitty ones sported by your avg junkie stripper is not going to do anyone any good.
I love some tattoos (the back piece SillyGirl posted is gorgeous), hate others (like, um, the other one she posted!). I have none myself -- I've never been comfortable with the idea of having one permanently/only able to be removed with expensive and painful laser treatments. I even get bored of seeing some of my freckles all the time.

But if I could think of something I'd want on my body forever? Not likely, but I'm open to it.