Water sports

Any ladies in Austin experienced in water sports for guidance in the how to begin properly. Looking for some one to teach my self and another provider. Perhaps an hour of your time. The time and date has not been set. If you have a video camera that would be a plus.
FS_ITC's Avatar
That sounds like an interesting class! I didn't think it'd be all that complicated.
My provider and I are new at this and I would like some expert guidance. We don't need a second lady for sex but for guidance. The provider and I will spend a couple of hours BCD then finish off with the WS.
Drink lots of water and when ya gotta go... Ya gotta go! lol
What Eryn said. Also, keep your eyes out of the splash zone.
Lots of green tea has been recommended. I purchased a waterproof bed cover that is soft like a comforter. Scheduled for this Wed afternoon no exact time yet. I also bought a small pair of goggles.
nuglet's Avatar
LOL doesn't sound like you need lessons.. You're well on your way already.
I will muddle through some how. We have a three hour schedule so I can make sure she drinks lots of water in that time. The goggles should protect my eyes. I will think of some thing to do in the first few hours but then she has a vivid imagination. I just love smart women they are so much fun.
playingnthedark's Avatar
Just remember "this is not a pissing contest" :-)
FS_ITC's Avatar
I love this thread!
I also bought a small pair of goggles. Originally Posted by tucson

The damn goggles I bought are used no wonder they were cheap.
David.Douchehurst's Avatar
All Ah knows iz thet Ah really fukkt up mah shoulder a- trying' ta pick up wakeboardin' down on Lake Austin. Ah shudda had me sum lessons first. But Ah do have one tip. If'n yer draggin' face behind tha boat, keep yer mouth shut 'r ya mite wind up wif a fish in yer teef.
glad_he_ate_her's Avatar

How did a guy like you ever make a 300 million dollar fortune anyway?

Life sucks.
glad_he_ate_her's Avatar
When you finally pull the trigger on this sexcapade you'll be surprised on how hot, as is warm, it is. It come out body temperature so it's like having warm coffee sprayed on you only it's more like water than coffee. Few if any bacteria can live in it so don't be worried about infection. Mahatma Ghandi and others drink it everyday for the health benefits south Asians believe, wrongly, it possess when consumed.