"This is the most absolute choice I can make. I am there on my own. Against every code, rule, and set of mores I pretend to obey. Against better judgment, against every lesson of hindsight and every shard of wisdom that comes with age, I have no regrets in that moment, because I am naked, or without pants, and I have chosen to be there. I have voted by my presence, declared it, and I feel the blood moving in me again."
I don't know what's better; the strait forward, unapologetic, narcissistic, inflated ego of the author, or the highly over critical, incredibly judgmental, comments of those disgusted by its content.... Oh! Might I point out, he never stated he requested fidelity from his spouse...
True, some folks really shouldn't be married.... But, that's none of my business. I can't possibly be the only person who understood his point of view, finished this article and thought.... Hell yes!