People Know if Your Vaxed or Unvaxed Just by Looking at You.

HoHound's Avatar
Sure. People that appear to be reasonably intelligent, not mouth breathers, and not screaming at clouds about conspiracy theories - Probably vaxxed.

Red MAGA hats are a dead giveaway for the unvaxxed.

Hey - so you can look at trump and tell he IS vaccinated? Wow.

texassapper's Avatar


Cause he looks like a douche bag.

lol. Sums it up.
The real question is how many people that have been vaccinated got Covid? Probably close to 100%

If you understand how fast Covid 19 is mutating you would know that getting booster shots for it is pretty much worthless.
txdot-guy's Avatar
How can you tell that someone is a dumb shit. By the dumbass shit they say and do.
How can you tell that someone is a dumb shit. By the dumbass shit they say and do. Originally Posted by txdot-guy

What I said was 100% accurate.

Every nursing home around here always give covid boosters to all residence. All of the nursing homes had covid outbreaks.
HoHound's Avatar
Sure. People that appear to be reasonably intelligent, not mouth breathers, and not screaming at clouds about conspiracy theories - Probably vaxxed.

Red MAGA hats are a dead giveaway for the unvaxxed. Originally Posted by Diligaf
Athletic, manly looking alpha males, unvaxed. Soft, soy boy looking beta males, vaxed.

Funny how the ones who believe the government and corporate propaganda consider themselves to be the enlightened ones . Lol
Athletic, manly looking alpha males, unvaxed. Soft, soy boy looking beta males, vaxed.

Funny how the ones who believe facts and science consider themselves to be the enlightened ones . Lol. We can learn everything there is to know on youtube and rumble Originally Posted by HoHound
Of course. It's clear now. Check out all these manly alphas:

txdot-guy's Avatar
How can you tell that someone is a dumb shit. By the dumbass shit they say and do. Originally Posted by txdot-guy
What I said was 100% accurate.

Every nursing home around here always give covid boosters to all residence. All of the nursing homes had covid outbreaks. Originally Posted by farmstud60
My statement was not specific to your post. It just happened to come after yours.

I was commenting about the idea that you could tell if someone was vaccinated or not. Absolutely ridiculous!
My statement was not specific to your post. It just happened to come after yours.

I was commenting about the idea that you could tell if someone was vaccinated or not. Absolutely ridiculous! Originally Posted by txdot-guy

Actually for small pox you could see where the scab was. It was a small circular scab as it wasn't just a single patch. But that is the only one that I know of that you could tell by looking.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Of course. It's clear now... Originally Posted by Diligaf
Dunno 'bout that. Let's try a known flaming lib to see if we can guess vaxxed or not vaxxed.

Was your guess based from the front or back photo?

Bonus action shot included at no additional charge, without John Lennon's Imagine playing in the background:

TBH: Dunno if'n she's vaxxed or not. I do know she was rather hung up on the whole 6 ft thing, which we now know, they made up on the fly and that nobody took credit for it, according to Congressional testimony leastwise
ICU 812's Avatar
I don't have a MAGA hat or shout at the clouds, but otherwise I do meet several of the un-vaxed criteria in the OP.

When everything was shut down at the height of the pandemic, (except for big-box stores, liquor stores and strip clubs) my wife and I got a shot as soon as we were considered to be eligible. We are both retired and well into our 70s, and "they" said we were in a high risk group. So we got a shot.

"They" said if we got the shots and if enough other people did too maybe then we could all celebrate July 4th in small groups at home. Then "they" said we all needed a booster shot a fewe weeks later to seal the deal . . .and we did that too as soon as it was pollable. Then it was said that we all needed yet another shot (we got it) and then maybe a shot every few weeks or months . . .and I stopped listening.

We both got Covid at one time or another in the next year, and so did our son and daughter-in-law, who had by then each had four or so shots.

This past spring, my wife's brother and sister-in-law spent six weeks in Spain without incident, then flew home and developed symptoms that tested positive for Covid. Both are academics with PhDs. Both have voted Democrat for decades and both have been "vaccinated" at least six times according to him.

Looks alone casn be decieving.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
What I said was 100% accurate.

Every nursing home around here always give covid boosters to all residence. All of the nursing homes had covid outbreaks. Originally Posted by farmstud60
Do I REALLY have to post the statistics for deaths due to Covid among vaccinated and unvaccinated people? That to me is the only statistic that matters.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
I don't have a MAGA hat or shout at the clouds, but otherwise I do meet several of the un-vaxed criteria in the OP.

When everything was shut down at the height of the pandemic, (except for big-box stores, liquor stores and strip clubs) my wife and I got a shot as soon as we were considered to be eligible. We are both retired and well into our 70s, and "they" said we were in a high risk group. So we got a shot.

"They" said if we got the shots and if enough other people did too maybe then we could all celebrate July 4th in small groups at home. Then "they" said we all needed a booster shot a fewe weeks later to seal the deal . . .and we did that too as soon as it was pollable. Then it was said that we all needed yet another shot (we got it) and then maybe a shot every few weeks or months . . .and I stopped listening.

We both got Covid at one time or another in the next year, and so did our son and daughter-in-law, who had by then each had four or so shots.

This past spring, my wife's brother and sister-in-law spent six weeks in Spain without incident, then flew home and developed symptoms that tested positive for Covid. Both are academics with PhDs. Both have voted Democrat for decades and both have been "vaccinated" at least six times according to him.

Looks alone casn be decieving. Originally Posted by ICU 812
What is your point?
ICU 812's Avatar
It does not master if you are un-vaxed, part vaxed of fully "vaccinated". It does not matyter if you are conservative or liberal, Democrat or Republican . . .or if you shop at Lord and Taylor or Walmart . . . .The Covid is not stopped by your orientation or shot history.

We were lied to, reputedly and k knowingly by people we should have been able to trust.

The real harm in all of this is that whenever a real pandemic strikes, no one will listen.