The Debate Change any minds?

I doubt that the debate will change many minds. I couldn't watch Biden as he got so mixed up at times it was hard to understand what topic he was even talking about. Not surprising though.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Biden had everything in his favor with the format. He got clocked. Be careful what you wish for.
The Democrats will dump this senile, corrupt piece of shit pretty soon.
The only question that remains is who will be the Democrat Nominee.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
The Democrats will dump this senile, corrupt piece of shit pretty soon.
The only question that remains is who will be the Democrat Nominee. Originally Posted by Jackie S
It would have to be some one as crazy as Newsum
Originally I wasn't going to watch it, but I caved on that idea and tuned into it. Trump basically appeared to be in a self defense mode which isn't surprising considering everything he's been through both Politically and legally. Biden wasn't that impressive his voice sounded monotone and he didn't exude much confidence. Over all he wasn't very impressive for a sitting president campaigning for a second term.
The Democrats will dump this senile, corrupt piece of shit pretty soon.
The only question that remains is who will be the Democrat Nominee. Originally Posted by Jackie S
If the Democrats do that, that would the same as saying they never had confidence in him and his policies were a big fail. I think it would backfire on them, but of course they'll come up with some chickenshit explanation of why Joe has to end his candidacy. If they pick Newsome he's an even bigger douche bag than Trump.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
I belive a whole lot of Demonicrat donors have changed their minds and soiled their undies and upchucked.
... Hee Hee! ... THAT was Joe Biden all night! ....

As far as changing minds - I reckon the debate may have changed
the minds of several DNC heads - and they will be looking to

... And reckon it changed me-own mind - on whether CNN can host
a FAIR and honest debate... And turns out THEY CAN! ...

#### Salty
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
130 days to the DNC convention. Lots of soul searching and seances to be had by then.
130 days to the DNC convention. Lots of soul searching and seances to be had by then. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
... Seances! ... ... Now that's rather Morbid.

Biden doesn't stand a GHOST of a chance of winning!

... The debate didn't change any minds about that!

#### Salty
Well, when the headline on the Huffpost is about the Biden Debate disaster, it kind of surprised me. It was obvious Biden wasn't all there mentally, but I didn't think the liberal press would actually call it that way.
Liar vs dementia
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Well, when the headline on the Huffpost is about the Biden Debate disaster, it kind of surprised me. It was obvious Biden wasn't all there mentally, but I didn't think the liberal press would actually call it that way. Originally Posted by farmstud60

It was like the assassination of Jules Cesar.

Et tu CNN?
Liar vs dementia Originally Posted by FocusedGamer
.Biden told plenty of whoppers
500sl's Avatar
  • 500sl
  • 06-28-2024, 03:55 AM
Yep, old Biden took a chit again