Everything seems slow

Man seems like everyone been in hiding or just not posting anything. Haha hope everyone doing good!
Had this same conv with several mongers yesterday.Haha! July/August tends to be a little slower than normal but it's pretty dry rn.
Hahaha that's funny! Maybe cause of summer vacation. Haven't seen really anyone lately.
I have been on vacation and haven't been active as I was in June.
Suzanna Turner's Avatar
I am on summer stay-cation!

Here and active... more so right now as school is on break.
I haven't been posting bc no one else is!
I posted some and felt like I was taking over the board, so I backed off.
I hope everyone is enjoying the greener grass cooler temps today!
Suzanna Turner's Avatar
There are several of us ladies that are actively posting on our X accounts.
Mia405's Avatar
We are posting. But on elite sites. Not the ugly sites. And Summer times tends to slow down due to family vacation
Ahh. Yah that's what I figured with it being summer and the kids are out of school. But that's good to know. I get bored at work and like to come on here and waste a bit of time.
We are posting. But on elite sites. Not the ugly sites. And Summer times tends to slow down due to family vacation Originally Posted by Mia405
Which elite sites, if I may ask?
Suzanna Turner's Avatar
I know every site there is, and I don't have a clue what she means by "elite" but honestly, I think I would prefer not to be around a crowd that believes they are elite. It's a social construct for other people who are not me. I'm comfortable here with y'all.
I saw mandi the other day. She's got a new gf that she's doing doubles with now. Pretty good and enjoyable. I'm checking to see if SA is still legit.
I saw mandi the other day. She's got a new gf that she's doing doubles with now. Pretty good and enjoyable. I'm checking to see if SA is still legit. Originally Posted by TylerDFight1
Who is Mandi? Review?