Wayback When

jokacz's Avatar
I think things have been pretty boring around here for awhile. So for some shits and grins I plugged the url for the old board into the wayback machine http://www.archive.org/ to see what life was like in the good old days. You can go back about five years or so before the results get kind of iffy. I thought I’d share some of the impressions I got in hope of maybe inspiring some conversation and reminiscences. First off you don’t see a lot of current members back then. Oh yeah, Eli was there but he’s been doing this since the Dead Sea was sick. Did see FlyboyNY (then RonCK) and Petiteassman who was listed as a newbie but already pretty active. There were plenty of flame wars and almost no moderator visibility; things just seemed to run their course and life went on. My impression was there was about equal number of Buffalo and Rochester providers in those days. And while I can’t speak for their quality they seemed to have more personality then. There was a Goth girl in Allentown in Buffalo with 44Ds named Rosary Garden who got a lot of play. Mary Jane was in Allentown too in those days (if it’s the same Mary Jane?)And one learns how she got her stage name. Crazy Joyce was there with her endless opinions and delusions of genius. I was surprised to see how many guys were actually put off by the size of her clit; how big was that bad boy? There was a debate regarding Jenavet and Joyce and who was the better value for dollar. Joyce was doing $170.00 HH then. The battle of the legends I guess. Anyway the biggest impression I walked away with was that the place was actually one where the guys had fun getting laid which is what this place should be about. No favorite ice cream posts (that's for you GP) or worry about offending someone’s tender sensibilities bullshit. Civility has its place but too much can kill a board. These are just my opinions, but I’m not about to change them.
Deepthinker's Avatar
Yes, the tones of the boards have changed over time, and the players have changed as well -- although I am not sure who may be here with a new screen name and staying UTR.

As for Joyce and the size, I think that she actually had a third thumb...
Hardpiped03's Avatar
Don't imbellish...it was closer to the size of a pinky....lol. Thanks for the blast from the past.
FlyboyNY's Avatar
Ahhhh, the good old days. Thanks for bringing back old memories. I do have to say that it seemed easier to set up the meetings with the girls back then. Did you go all the way back to when Plainmind was a mod? That was even before Eli!
offshoredrilling's Avatar
I did go back that far. When I first joined ASPD read all. After getting BCD reread. It was kind-a cool reading. Many of the reviewed in rochester I had met. Reading the old reviews thinking yup that was/or not what I tought of her.
jokacz's Avatar
Ahhhh, the good old days. Thanks for bringing back old memories. I do have to say that it seemed easier to set up the meetings with the girls back then. Did you go all the way back to when Plainmind was a mod? That was even before Eli! Originally Posted by FlyboyNY
Went back as far as March of 03. Plainmind was listed as supermod. You reviewed a provider named Monica of Buffalo, but it's not in the archive. Was she a good one?

before Eli? how is that even possible?
SweetElizabeth's Avatar
RE: "how is that even possible?"

Oh yes!!

PlainMind, CK1942, DiamondJohn, WK, Seenalot, jackfengushi "Doc" fanothehobby DocDave Ronck coffeeguru; [Too many to mention!!]

Honey, Jacqueline, Jackie, Rosary Garden, wnyHolly, Katilyn, Alicia, Jenavet, DDLynn; [Not enough to mention was the mindset then ;--)]

That's when Art Voice and MBPolitics were popular tools. The fellas LOVED it when we traveled. (It was pactically unheard of for upstate NY!!)

The discussion topics used to be "how to get more traveling ladies!!"

It was not uncommon to use pre-bookings by the ladies that dared tour. Typically mods from different areas of the US would form a friendship, and contacts were exchanged. Oftentimes, the ladies would be personally greeted by the Mod at the destination city.

The Pioneers of Internet Escorts and Hobbyists!

The boards were awesome!!!

Every person worked diligently to put Upstate NY on the map!!
JacquelineT's Avatar
I even still have the copy of the book Docdave said kept him sane
Doc Dave - You are a mad man! I keep reading from the Reader's Digest Condensed version LOL!
I even still have the copy of the book Docdave said kept him sane Originally Posted by JacquelineT
Jacqueline Taurus of Chicago and formerly of Buffalo, so nice to see you here. I still remember our meeting in Evanston, IL fondly.
JacquelineT's Avatar
That was a lot of fun!!!!!!You must get back here again soon xoxoxoxooxoxo
JacquelineT's Avatar
Jacqueline Taurus of Chicago and formerly of Buffalo, so nice to see you here. I still remember our meeting in Evanston, IL fondly. Originally Posted by jackfengshui
I am going to bring my naked twister game next time jackfengshui!!!
cnym's Avatar
  • cnym
  • 10-07-2010, 03:48 PM
Hi JacquelineT,
wow, it has been a while, When will you come back to UNY and check out your old Friends here :-)
JacquelineT's Avatar
Jacqueline Taurus of Chicago and formerly of Buffalo, so nice to see you here. I still remember our meeting in Evanston, IL fondly. Originally Posted by jackfengshui
Hi JacquelineT,
wow, it has been a while, When will you come back to UNY and check out your old Friends here :-) Originally Posted by cnym
You are such a naughty boy I might have to come back just to see you.I miss you cnym!!!!!!!
Perhaps this december