Why I am Here

  • Laker
  • 10-14-2010, 09:56 AM
Ladies and Gents,

After thinking about some of the "bickering" and general "hurt and other negative feelings" and just plain rude comments by some on here recently, I want to run a thread kind of on the same lines as the old one "Why I Hobby" modified to "Why I am Here."

In my own case it strictly started out for one purpose that being to get laid!!!!!!!

While getting laid is an important and fun purpose, another is to not have to TOFTT. Sorry if I am not too adventureist but time and money and experiences have made me to not venture forth much from the tried and true! I have hobbyed many years prior to the boards being available, then was depending on newspaper ads, yellow pages, and pubs like City. During those years I did have several experiences that could have been TOFTT and never wanted to be a team player in that respect again! Not going to list them all here but a few. One involved ending up sitting on floor across from a "lady" in a room of a former Monroe Ave Hotel after being directed there to her incall location, she blowing cigarette smoke in my face and the HE was supposed to be a lame HJ! Another was "me pay and she run" by lady at a Henrietta Motel near T-Way exit. Another lady arranged through a local agency, had had a medical procedure the afternoon of the day she came to my place, not going to explain it in detail, but involved surgery incapacitating her from any play below the waist. Don't get me totally wrong as there were many enjoyable meetings but the TOFFT seemed at times to be more the rule than the exception.

Here it has been totally different! I have met more lovely ladies on this forem, and the prevous one, and have had the most intimate of relations far beyond what I could have ever imagined or ever dreamed. Several have become friends, all hold a special place to me!! And I look forward to meeting more of them!

I have also met several board buddies and enjoy the interaction with them on all kinds of conversations. And the threads on the boards in co-ed and the sandbox run the gammit of entertainment.

I do enjoy this board! Thanks to the Mods and Owners for making it happen! And thanks to you lovely ladies who I have had the pleasure to meet, and hope to meet, as it wouldn't have happened without this forem!!
Laker, good thread. The more we know about where we are coming from, the more tolerant we would be.

Allow me to repost my reply to another thread recently:

I was originally attracted to the old site because I found it to be a useful consumer guide for the local hobby scene. As someone who never have the courage to TOFTT, I have met many wonderful ladies based on what I learned from the reviews. After lurking for some time, I realized that this was more than just a review board. It was a community of people participating in an activity that is normally secretive and lonely - and looked down by the rest of society. I started posting to share the camaraderie. I have gotten to know the ladies better. I have made friends with many hobbyists even though I have not met anyone of them in person. More recently, I even started reviewing, despite some earlier reservations, partly to make me feel like a full-fledged participant. I therefore fully appreciate our mix of lurkers, non-reviewing posters, and reviewers. We should all respect each other.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
mmmm "Why I am Here"

Well may have to start with "HOW". I play in a dieing world. Most of the good ones went UTR. A few went to the boards, mostly the old board and e.com. A few male members(most from just one, do I have to name him Eli)showed them a better way. And they left to work the boards. I was thinking of joining the old board. As there is no future there(where I'm at). Then one(provider) asked me to join the old board. mmmmm I was thinking that anyways. (I bet she sorry now, along with others. HUMUR).

So "Why I am Here" now.

So I got to met a few. I would like to see again but have not(from old board). As I am happy with the few I see now that went UTR or the boards. Also there are some I may want to met some day(eccie and the old board). As there is no future where I'm at.

Then I will just rip-off jack

"I realized that this was more than just a review board. It was a community of people participating in an activity that is normally secretive and lonely - and looked down by the rest of society. I started posting to share the camaraderie. I have gotten to know the ladies better. I have made friends with many hobbyists even though I have not met anyone of them in person. More recently, I even started reviewing, despite some earlier reservations, partly to make me feel like a full-fledged participant. I therefore fully appreciate our mix of lurkers, non-reviewing posters, and reviewers. We should all respect each other." (but I have met some of the male hobbyists, and knew a few before I joined the old board. And with many have learn what there handle is on many boards that I knew before I joined) yuck that almost make sense.

Then add that I have become a errr make that "I am a post provider". As I got addicted to posting. Mostly as a silly azz jerk.
That sometimes has something worthy to say. Pure , no matter what others may say. And some form the "where I am at" was at one time much like what the old board was. And this board could be if we stop with all the weeping threads.


edit: where I am at you meet in person, not on a board and PM and e-mail. Here who is ok is Female to Female on the males. Male to male on the females. There also has that and female to male on female, and male to female on male. (yuck talk about does that make sense). And also with over a drink. If you think that would not work just think of what could happen if you gave the ok to your ATF or a buddy on a loser!

Thanks to laker for this thread. And jack for, yes I can reply to this thread without being a ________. (fill in the blank)

PS: to male and female. Do not go where I am at, at this time. Unless you have played the bar game before, or real brave, or are a dummy.
jimmyb's Avatar
Why am i hear.
Well I started at the old site which i found by accident. I was a green horn, I had no idea what I was doing . After getting taken by a women in her mid 40s that kept swearing she was 30 that got me for 400 for a shitty hj. I almost quite.
Then I found the old site. With help from them other more established members( Eli for one) I survived learned the ropes and totally enjoy my play time with some very lovely ladies
I learn who to see ,who not to see. I found out about a hobby phone and which one to get . I learned proper eddicate . and we moved here
So I am here to safety, with no drama play a lot
What is this old site you speak of?
offshoredrilling's Avatar
ASPD. There is a new site with the old data. Or whats left of it. I most of the time just say it ASPD. But Laker or jack went with "the old site". So I maybe jimmyb also just went with it. I can not give you the new site in co-ed, sorry. If you want to read a lot of old posts, I will have to ask jack what would be a ok way to tell you where it is.

And Are you going to post why you are here? In keeping on topic.

I hope this is ok. I don't want to be a bad boy twice in one day, as I am home sick. well not sick, ---k up back at work last night.

edit: to add to my first post to this thread.But I have slowed down on doing reviews. You can not review UTR, unless they want to come out , and you have the ok. And just how many times can you review one or two others. Someday I will have to come out of my hole and start seeing some from boards and start doing more reviews again.
What is this old site you speak of? Originally Posted by Maximum4
It's ASPD, which is discussed with nostalgia here: http://www.eccie.net/forumdisplay.php?f=572 and http://www.eccie.net/showthread.php?t=103811
I am here because there is nothing like sharing time with a beautiful graceful soft woman whose whole purpose is making me feel good. Showing me affection in ways I need, listening to my nonsense, and requiring nothing in return.

By hobbying, I get almost all that. It's not much more than that for me. I'm not looking for friends or pals or board buddies. I'm here to meet beautiful, youthful women, who are pretty close to nine on a ten scale, uninhibited and willing to fulfill my needs and fantasies. In return, i will be prompt, clean, and appreciative. It's been fun so far and pretty easy to find what I need.

It's clear that BP, CL, or the Newtimes don't have what I'm looking for and I can only say thanks to e.com. My luck there has been great.
  • m2244
  • 10-15-2010, 06:25 AM
Can ladies post to this.....hmmm im going to anyway.....I am here for a few reasons......90% of the reason I am in this job is too meet different people with different personality's from all over ......and also this is really helpful to pre screen personality's as well. for instance if you act like a tool bag on here....chances are my email wont be showing up in your inbox lol.......and we have some really cool conversation on here as well
  • Laker
  • 10-15-2010, 06:44 AM

Sure is open I was hoping to have ladies post, and thanks for doing so! :-)
  • m2244
  • 10-15-2010, 07:33 AM
np laker.....i decided to stick around for a bit.......
Why I am here.... hmmm

Well this board to me is a great tool. I can lurk at comments that future clients make, and based on them decided if I think we have enough in common/chemistry to meet or if I want to meet them at all. I had pre-screened in the past a client, saw all of his rants on here, and decided to my self after, that if he ever did request an appointment I would kindly decline.

I am also here, because many times in an hour appointment it isn't enough time to sit down and get to know the gent. After all, your not visiting me to chit chat. So this board can be a way in which we interact and talk about different topics that we may not during the appointment.

And my favorite reason why I am here... I have met and talked with a lot of different providers, young and older than me, who have also helped and guided me. Had this board not been a tool to use, I may have never gotten to know Nikki, Gabrielle, Hanna, Erica, Anita, China and a bunch of others.
I am here to learn the good from the bad. Everyone here is so knowledgeable. I am looking for real experiences and not a mechanical hurry up and get it over with one like i've had from a BP experience in another city. The providers are smart safe and beautiful. I have learned a lot from being here and I can not take chances. This place dramatically reduces that. Thank You All. I hope to get in the game soon but I have a broken ankle and am on crutches for a while
Im here..cuz I like mint chocolatechip icecream...york peppermint patties...and pumpkin lattes from dunkin donuts..:-D
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Ok I want to be well not silly for a weeee bit. I must have all of this wrong in my mind. Many say please no more threads and other threads with, well way too to much drama, what to do threads. And thank you for all that have posted so far. So far no one has picked on any one for "Why They Are Hear". And I am sure the OP and mods would like it to stay that way. As I am guilty of just one more handle to jump on a drama thread. I can not see why this thread is not much longer. All it asks is "Why You Are Here". And so far drama free. I can see some what how the answer goes by "How Long One Has Been On Boards". I see nothing wrong with any answer so far. And how could I or anyone. And It could help all.
Thank you
PS: please post as to for yourself "Why Am I Here".

mmmmm "I like mint chocolatechip icecream". ok me also