LMAO Michael Moore Slams Obama

Can't stop laughing. Even Michael Moore, the liberal icon, has aired his disappointment with Obama. He says all Obama will be remembered for is that he was the first black president! My how so many are turning from Obama .. that has to be a Obummer! LMAO

Hey resident liberals, when are you going to see the light?

LexusLover's Avatar
Hey resident liberals, when are you going to see the light? Originally Posted by satexasguy
They have. It's HOT!

So they try to redirect it to Bush. But that has quit working now.

Current Events.
Can't stop laughing. Even Michael Moore, the liberal icon, has aired his disappointment with Obama. He says all Obama will be remembered for is that he was the first black president! My how so many are turning from Obama .. that has to be a Obummer! LMAO

Hey resident liberals, when are you going to see the light?

https://movies.yahoo.com/news/michae...211803862.html Originally Posted by satexasguy
Michael Moore's opinions mean about as much to me as yours....in other words, nothing.
Michael Moore's opinions mean about as much to me as yours....in other words, nothing. Originally Posted by timpage
If you had any sense at all no Liberal's opinion should mean anything to you. Especially Obama's. Ya stupid idiot.

But, you have to keep in mind that Michael Moore believes President Obama is a failure because he has failed to turn The United States into a utopian, socialist-communist shit hole, where him and all of his Liberal buddies will have "Dachas on the Volga", and the rest of us pay..
If you had any sense at all no Liberal's opinion should mean anything to you. Especially Obama's. Ya stupid idiot.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
And, if you had any sense at all, you would realize that judging the amount of sense people have by utilizing ideology as a measuring stick means you don't have much sense. But, we already knew that......
But, you have to keep in mind that Michael Moore believes President Obama is a failure because he has failed to turn The United States into a utopian, socialist-communist shit hole, where him and all of his Liberal buddies will have "Dachas on the Volga", and the rest of us pay.. Originally Posted by Jackie S
I disagree with your premise of course, but yes....the nuance of it is lost on most of the knuckledraggers here and those with ODS. Most of these idiots would embrace Satan himself were he to appear on earth and condemn Obama.

It's almost a diagnosable illness.
LMAO Little Timmy. You know you and the other liberals idolized Michael Moore so much that you would stand in line to lick the sweat off his left nut.

At least Michael is smart enough to know that even HE can't continue to blame Bush. Someday you will too.
LMAO Little Timmy. You know you and the other liberals idolized Michael Moore so much that you would stand in line to lick the sweat off his left nut.

At least Michael is smart enough to know that even HE can't continue to blame Bush. Someday you will too. Originally Posted by satexasguy
Amusing. "Michael"? Are you guys on a first-name basis that lets you focus on his left nut?

And so....stepping back....does anybody else find it interesting that the republicans/conservatives on here utterly disavow the last person they voted for in the in the 2000 and 2004 presidential elections? Who turned out to be pretty much the largest fuck-up in US POTUS history?

We're supposed to think you idiots have it figured out? Good luck with that.
And, if you had any sense at all, you would realize that judging the amount of sense people have by utilizing ideology as a measuring stick means you don't have much sense. But, we already knew that...... Originally Posted by timpage
That's truly a stupid statement. But then again we expect that from you.

Guest123018-4's Avatar
They will always blame somebody or something else for the failures of their ideology.
SEE3772's Avatar
boardman's Avatar
It's true, Obama will be remembered only as the first black president. Dems are turning away from him as quickly as possible now that his legacy has been established and he can do them no good. They are looking for the next cliche to support rather than a person of substance.