Your Dick and the Dow Jones Average

It's only money and in Dallas it's fun to spend on the hotties with whom we are truly blessed! So, how closely is your hobbying tied to the markets? When your 401(k) shrinks do other things follow? In other words, as your portfolio swells.....?
Black Sedan's Avatar
The way I look at it, when my IRA shrinks, as long as there's still plenty to go around: it's a perfect time for a fresh perspective with somebody completely different. Perhaps inspiration will hit due to the encounter.
OldGrump's Avatar
When the market acts like it did yesterday, I need all my blood to keep my heart pumping. There isn't much left to pump down to the little guy.
bigmarv's Avatar
One good thing about the Market is it will eventually go up and so will the little guy. Let's all hope for a rally real soon.
TexTushHog's Avatar
No relation. Now the price of natural gas and the hobby? That's a different story. Back when it was $13/mcf, I splurged!!
ANONONE's Avatar
Sadly the market does have a huge influence on the amount of wild oats I sow.
Grabazz's Avatar
I don't dig into it for hobbying, but when it drops big, so does the firmness of my erections....
jrewing's Avatar
speaking for myself, i am very well off, as a retired Marine Colonel, current airline pilot for a major airline, and originally from shreveport i have 1280 acres in the haynesville shale natural gas area which produces income like a printing press, the economy does not change my income, so i hobby 3 to 5 times a week, JR
Randall Creed's Avatar
3-5 times a week? Damn! If you ever get tired and need a 'stunt double' just let me know!

If I hobby 3 times in a month.....that's a good month. Good thing I have a civvie on the side, though it isn't always great sex...or even good sex (which is partially why I hobby in the first place ).
PoppyToyota's Avatar
7 times a year was good for me. Although I am on pace to almost double that number this year. Mainly it's a time issue with me. I only get to take off one day a month from work. I don't really count Sundays because a lot of ladies are not available this day.