A matter most disconcerting.

Out_of_Bounds's Avatar
So I saw a recent review of Ms. Julie Cashxxx today and a question of her services was brought up. I made a "private" comment answering said question and lo and behold I get an upset text from Ms. Cashxxx calling me out. Seems one(if not more) of our fine Mods is a WK. For shame! How do I know this? She herself claimed this when I called her about what's going on. Now what I said in this private comment is not that bad its the fact that it could be misconstrued that I think she is lying. When in reality I merely meant it as something I just didn't like. The fact that this was revealed by one of the individuals responsible to keep the "private" stuff private is what I take issue with and reprehensible. She even confessed to me that said MODS reveal reviews and even PM's! Wow. What's the point of Premium Access if it's just being shown to those that shouldn't see it? Why did I post this in CoEd? Well now she feels the need to "take retribution" for my statement that were basically what she told me anyways. I really try to stay away from drama, some here somehow think I'm "Mr, Negativity" when in reality I try to keep my Karma good. This is not very encourageing behavior from the ones who run this 3 ring circus. As a matter of fact I was just thanked by one of the MODS last night for a review I posted and renewing my PA. Most disconcerting indeed....
Out_of_Bounds's Avatar
Mods may as well remove the private tags since the one most offended by it has already read it back to me verbatim.
dearhunter's Avatar
Pray tell, which mod was the leaky faucet?
Killersalt's Avatar
It's simply a reality that many if not most of the girls have access to the men's area in one form or another. Whether it be fake handles or WK. If it makes you feel any better, I'm sure many guys have access to the ladies areas as well.

Yeah, the like button is back, I'm gonna like my own post now!
Meoauniaea's Avatar
This is why I don't ever believe that private comments will stay what way and that Men's locker room areas are safe either. Same goes for the powder room. Much like the P, they are all compromised.
Out_of_Bounds's Avatar
She was not very forthcoming in revealing the identity of the Mod. But he visited her today and was in her presence when we had our conversation. I know the mens area may be compromised by WK's that's one thing I can stomach. But when its the gatekeepers? The "impartial" ones?That's intolerable.
LexusLover's Avatar
But when its the gatekeepers? The "impartial" ones?That's intolerable. Originally Posted by Out_of_Bounds
Not as "intolerable" as it is sad.

I respect you for posting this information, and do not take this wrong,....

.... if it is correct.
If a story is going to be told........Seems the whole story should be told and not just part of it.......I'm just saying....
Pray tell, which mod was the leaky faucet? Originally Posted by dearhunter

Who was it? I need a WK maybe I can kiss up?
OP...I far as I'm concerned it's a matter of "He said, She said" until both parties, the OP and said Provider contact the staff via PM.

Feel free to contact me, thanks!