Remember That Teacher You Couldn't Stand?

Vannah's Avatar
Do you remember having a particular teacher/professor that was a total nightmare? One really stands out in my mind. She was my AP English teacher, and she didn't have a single student that liked her. Bless her heart, I think she was in a cult or something because it didn't seem like she ever bathed or brushed her teeth. I'm not exaggerating, it was so bad that people would spray her with perfume when she wasn't looking.

One day she handed out a bunch of plastic squirrels to teach us (a group of legal aged adults, mind you) about the use of prepositions. This should have been a one day task, but this monster somehow filled up an entire week with this bullshit. After leaving class my best friend told me he grabbed 2 out of 6 little plastic squirrels. After school, we went home and (to make a long story short) we covered them in lighter fluid, set them on fire until they were burned beyond recognition, put what was left in a condom, and returned them to her desk.

Was it nice? No. Was I the one that decided to take 2 little plastic squirrels hostage? No. Do I still get a giggle when I think about it? Of course!

What are some pranks you played on the teachers you didn't like?
I had a hs band director who used a white baton with a black nob on the handle end. He would pick up the baton and start directing and rotate the baton if he was holding it backwards until the black end was in his hand. My gf was selling jelly beans (only activity student council ever did). I put a black one on the other end of the baton. He later grabbed the baton to start directing and rotated it 3-4 times, then stopped the band and held up the baton. He immediately looked at my gf who was to his immediate left as first chair clarinet because he knew about the jelly beans. She put her hand to her chest and exclaimed, "I didn't do it!!!!" It was pretty funny. I had to admit I did it to take the heat off her.

The last day of school announcements in HS, right before finals, the announcing team put on a tape of Schools Out Torever, locked the door and climbed out the window. Unfortunately, they forgot to rewind the tape so all you heard was them climbing out of the window. Friggin principal suspended them so they missed all their finals.
Vannah's Avatar
The last day of school announcements in HS, right before finals, the announcing team put on a tape of Schools Out Torever, locked the door and climbed out the window. Unfortunately, they forgot to rewind the tape so all you heard was them climbing out of the window. Friggin principal suspended them so they missed all their finals. Originally Posted by Rockydoc
Haha that's great!
WMJ4657's Avatar
Had a teacher that taught anatomy & we would tape playboy centerfolds on pull down screen so when she went to use projector screen there it was!!!
We had a boxing coach that was a real dick. He would suit up get some small guy in the ring for what he said was training and work him over. We mixed up a concoction of itching powder and a little bit of ground up poison ivy leaves and soaked his jock strap in it and then pissed him off to the point he wanted in the ring. He only lasted less than one round.
We had a substitute teacher at our school district who was just plain awful. She never previewed the lessons, would snap at students for the smallest things, and loved to go on long, droning tangents about topics that were completely irrelevant to the lesson. One of her favorite topics was about trans-fatty acids were one of the seven great evils of the universe. Now that I think about it, nobody in town liked her, and I'm convinced the only reason people tolerated her was because her husband was the founder and director of the parks and recreation department. We loved to play little pranks on her, like hiding chalk and erasers, tampering with the projector/electronics, fiddling with the desk and chair to make them wobble... just things to make her slowly go crazy. Well, crazier. The best prank anybody ever pulled on her was to take a screenshot of the computer desktop, set it as the background, delete the shortcuts, and hide the taskbar. Depending on who you asked, she spent anywhere between 5-20 minutes trying to figure out what was wrong with it before calling for an IT guy. I have no idea if she's still teaching, but if she is, I hope the younger generation are keeping the tradition alive.
DNinja69's Avatar

Was it nice? No. Was I the one that decided to take 2 little plastic squirrels hostage? No. Do I still get a giggle when I think about it? Of course!

What are some pranks you played on the teachers you didn't like? Originally Posted by Vannah
In high school had an English teacher who had a room that had chalkboards in the front and back so the room could be set up facing either direction. She had it set up so that when we came in everybody had to walk past her desk. During lunch one day we popped the lock and set it up opposite. Desks, book cases, everything. Now her desk
was the farthest seat from the door.

We had her class right after lunch so when she opened the door and did a double take, she played along and didn't say anything about it. We cracked up during class so it was not hard to figure out who did it.

A week later we decided to do it again, put it back like it was. Soon as lunch started we headed down the hall, popped the lock again, and soon as the door opened she stepped from the darkness and blasted us with a water gun. We tried to run but she had us. As we dripped dry we got to move the room back how we found it. She ate her lunch and laughed at us the whole time.

We really 'got' her good lmao