Question about Controlled Substance

Guitar's Avatar
If someone was arrested for possession of a Controlled Substance, does this mean, they were arrested for being in possession of something that was prescribed ONLY. Or can it mean, ANY illegal substance. I googled it and google says a C/S is something the person is trying to control. That don't tell me much.
LaNausee's Avatar
coast_encounter's Avatar
You may be able to reach out to ShysterJon. He is an ECCIE member and I believe is an attorney. He posts some good feedback in some of the other forums that I have read. I think her prefers to be contacted by e-mail since his PM box is always full.
roll_with_me's Avatar
The short to your question is no. A controlled substance is any chemical or drug listed on the Federal Schedule of Controlled Substance Act (CSA) section 1 - 5.

In general the lower section number the greater restricion on the drug by the Federal Government.

Section 1: Substances are considered to have no currently accepted medical use in the United States, a lack of accepted safety for use under medical supervision, and a high potential for abuse.

Staff edit to remove specific terminology. dj8

Section 2: Substances that have a high potential for abuse which may lead to severe psychological or physical dependence.

Staff Edit to remove specific terminology. dj8

Section 3 Substances have a potential for abuse less than substances in Schedules I or II, may lead to moderate or low physical dependence or high psychological dependence.

Staff Edit to remove specific terminology. dj8

Section 4: Substances that have a low potential for abuse relative to substances in Schedule III.

Staff Edit to remove specific terminology. dj8

There's a lot of room for debate over some of the substances in each of these sections and each section has a rather long list of substances on it.

My guess is she had a substance listed in section 2 of the Federal Schedule. Most website booking reports will specifically list Staff Edit to remove terminology. dj8 instead of lumping it in under the general category of c/s, sometimes you will see Staff edit to remove specific terminology. dj8 specifically list and other times you wont.
  • Hojo
  • 04-04-2019, 03:05 PM
Can mean an illegal substance or a pill they just didn't have a script for.
ShysterJon's Avatar
A member mentioned this thread to me.

The question is, What is possession of a controlled substance, legally speaking?

In Texas, a person commits the offense of possession of a controlled substance if they possess a usable quantity of any "schedule" drug, meaning the federal government has deemed possession of the substance a felony unless it was prescribed by a medical professional. The level of the offense is determined by the amount and schedule number.

Possession cases are distinguished from trafficking cases based on the quantity of the substance. Simply put, an offender "possesses" a user quantity, while an offender "traffics" when he has more than a user quantity.

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