Well, THAT was a first! RE: the "Poor Albany Blonde" thread

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I deleted the thread. Never did that before.

Obviously, things were way out of control and it should have been stopped earlier. I had put in to site Admin to have "Justin's" account disabled, but it took several hours. And this thread then fell through the cracks. Believe it or not, there is NOT always a Mod on duty 24X7. We actually have personal lives and like to do things on the weekends too. So the thread went on and on and on and.....

I tried to "edit" the worst of it, but it was too much of a hassle. I figured you would rather have me doing things like approving reviews in the very limited time I have available today.

I know a lot of you were pretty upset about this whole thing, but I have to say that some of you are your own worst enemies. "Justin" kept egging you on..... and you kept hitting the "Reply" button. Stupid. He probably woulda got bored and quit at post # 50 or so if you had not.

Now let's talk about getting laid.....