Sex worker/Stripper Charity Tech Camp

I want to start a charity camp for sex workers and strippers where they go to a free camp and get taught a technology certification like A+. There can even be a shorts on screening clients with tech (though the goal is to get them out of sex work, at least they will be seeing somewhat safer clients since they are heavily screened)

I want it to be a camp where they come, have a stable roof over their head, are fed healthy foods, and can learn in an environment where they feel safe to ask all the newbie questions they want.

There would have to be a class on how to get a real job with a prostitution or drug charge on your record.

There would also be an post graduation class where they learn how to write a resume and practice interviewing skills. There would also be a career center available where the girls would have help in finding a real world job using their new certification.

I need sponsorship. Anyone have any ideas on companies that would not be ashamed to sponsor this?
Budman's Avatar
Are you kidding? How about if you want to get out of the business you spend your own money on training and education? Read this thread and you will find out what many think about this subject. It will also point out a few saps that you can hit up for free money.

PS: Was it really necessary to post this in every city?
girls shouldnt have to spend ass money on education. JHMO
Budman's Avatar
What the fuck are you talking about? So they shouldn't have to use their money for education they should be able to use other peoples money? That's is bullshit.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
girls shouldnt have to spend ass money on education. JHMO Originally Posted by honeydavis
Wow Honey, I hope that came out differently than how you meant it
Wow, the girl has an idea for helping folks and she gets blazed. If this thread isn't for you then pass it by.

WARNING!!! SOUND!!!! A little song just for you.
Budman's Avatar
Wow, the girl has an idea for helping folks and she gets blazed. If this thread isn't for you then pass it by.

WARNING!!! SOUND!!!! A little song just for you. Originally Posted by Dharma

But it's what I do best.
hit up the bill gates foundation, they love to help out all these worthy causes!
!!Sexy Erotic Morgan's Avatar
It is a dumb idea
What the fuck are you talking about? So they shouldn't have to use their money for education they should be able to use other peoples money? That's is bullshit. Originally Posted by Budman
This. What exactly were you trying to say by this honey?
Thank you so much for the immensely generous offer to feed us healthy foods. We are often confused by the concept of a healthy diet due to our inability to take care of ourselves. It takes someone like you, with such a blatantly giving and loving heart, to lift us up from our gutters. Kudos to you! Sainthood is surely in the offing. St. Honey of the Hookers. Bless you.
chipper's Avatar
Please don't bump threads that are more than 30 days past their last post.