The "Thank You" note: GOOD OR BAD IDEA??

So I was talking with a dear friend yesterday. He has had a very unfortunate situation arise and was needing some advice.

He forgot to log off of his handle before closing down his computer.
Wife gets home & gets online. The screen opens to his private messages where there is a nice little "Thank You" note there waiting for him (unread) from a provider whom he had visited with the day before.

Now, as we ALL KNOW he should have ERASED ALL TRACKS and LOGGED OFF of his account (that is a no-brainer)...

Besides his private messages, he has never posted/nor has ever written any reviews. Therefore, the only incriminating evidence being the darn Thank You note ..."I had such a fun time with you yesterday (real name) blah blah blah...intimate details ...blah blah blah.."

So it dawns on me, Wow, I send Thank You notes without even thinking of how I word them (just in case someone ELSE might receive them) ALL THE TIME.

Do you think that there's a way to go about expressing your gratitude and enjoyment in spending time with them, without it possibly eluding to the nature of the "meeting"?

For ppl who don't write reviews (for fear of proof linking them to "visiting" providers) should they let the provider know up front, that Thank You notes will not be necessary?

This situation could possibly be very sad & life changing for him, all because of a Thank You note.

plove35's Avatar
Man thats crazy i almost got busted that way ....left my pc up didn't delete my trail she found all of my porn sites and that point I hadnt seen anyone so i said reading the reviews turned me on...dont know how i pulled that one i only use my phone....damn ip your pretty hot why havent I booked with you
  • Oppa
  • 03-01-2012, 12:33 PM
Wow I've never even received a thank you text after a session lol.

I think a provider generally should ask whether any contact other than BCD is okay...whether it be with a PM on ECCIE or a text or a phone call. Some guys are sensitive to it, some or not.

I'm not married, but when I was, I didn't start hobbying until I really just didn't give a fuck if she found out or not. We divorced (I filed) and she never found out, at least to my knowledge, but I was so unhappy in the marriage and she treated me so shitty that I never did anything to hide the hobby or cover my tracks.

Just food for thought for you married guys....just consider the consequences if you ever slip up and is the juice worth the squeeze.
  • Caleb
  • 03-01-2012, 12:56 PM
The thank you note is a fabulous ego stroke and I welcome this communication. Seems to me that the best way to send it would be through the channel you mostly used to communicate with each other. For me, I would prefer text.

I can tell you that I have a 100% repeat visit rate with ladies that have sent thank you's. I don't think that is only because of the thank you, rather I think that only the best seem to do this. It is the perfect conclusion to IOP, and leaves me comfortably entrenched in my fantasy world.

Don't give up on thank you note because one guy made a mistake. I have come close to making the same mistake, and am now very diligent to make sure this doesn't happen. A most unfortunate event, but I hope that he doesn't blame the provider for it's occurrence.
verygood69's Avatar
I had m ATF send me an email telling me that she really enjoyed our evening together. WOW it was Awsome!!!!!!!
I do not worry about my wife finding eccie on my computer as this one is seperate from all the other in the house and is my personal laptop. Thank you notes are nice and it shows you are personable enough to show your clients you care that they picked you to spend their money on and/or you did have a good time yourself, but not necessary. I prefer just an acknowlegement of our encounter sent via PM, I wish you could do it on reviews, but you cannot.
Send the note. If the guys gets caught it is because he is slipping or wants to get caught.
Sir Lancehernot's Avatar
Wow, it looks like some of you guys are doing something right! A thank-you note would indeed be a great ego boost, especially to a lot of us who aren't exactly able to compete with Brad Pitt. It would almost certainly guarantee a repeat visit. I agree that the method of the thank-you should be in a medium used for previous communications. If the guy left his e-mail open after the session, there's no guarantee that he wouldn't make a similar mistake and compromise himself before the session.
If the guy is wonderful, I ALWAYS send a thank you note.
If he is an ass...I don't.

I don't say sexual things...just that I had a nice time, or for the afternoon, or the gift.
Hercules's Avatar
....dang only notes I ever get from women are restraining orders.
CoHorn's Avatar
Send the thank you note. If the guy is an idiot, it's not your fault or responsibility if he gets caught. Good manners should not suffer due to the stupidity of others.
Lana Warren's Avatar
Good manners should not suffer due to the stupidity of others. Originally Posted by CoHorn

just4funindfw's Avatar
I usually send a Thank You message afterward.
pyramider's Avatar
Good manners should not suffer due to the stupidity of others. Originally Posted by CoHorn

Who me?
otrdriver's Avatar
I always send a thank you to the lady, Just the way I was raised I guess. and love recieving a confirmation that they recieved and read my note.