provider etiquette

actionjr69's Avatar
new to ECCIE. I have contacted 4 providers off of here. All four have been rude. To the providers: I understand you want to protect yourself from LE and have to be careful, but you also want some business right? Because of the attitudes these women have.... I cannot GIVE my money away. Looking for a KIND, not quite so schizo provider to get together with.

I have approached these women with kindness, honesty and respect, so I don't understand why they behave this way to new prospective clients.

All someone has to do is treat me right and I will be a regular customer.

any suggestions how to deal with cranky, paranoid providers?

maybe I just spoke with four people having a bad day. what are the odds?

Without knowing the 4 providers, I have no way to know if you picked poorly. You are a newby. You haven't earned your stripes. (OK, pun intended, from the tigercat with a few stripes.) Expect the ladies to check you out closely. Membership and about $5 might still get you a cup of coffee at Starbucks. It ain't going to get you past screening.

Spend some time here. Look at some of the threads from other newbies. (I think we average 3-5 a day, but as usual, that is a statistic I pulled out of my rear end.) Try politely contacting some of the gals that say they will see a newby. If they ask for personal information, decide just how much you are willing to divulge. If they want you name, employer, SS#, DL# and your first born, I might suggest you try negotiating for the first born, but take the rest of that off the table. If they ask for a CC#, expiration date & that little 3 digit number on the back, well, you might want to run for the hills.

Or you can try P411.

In any event, barging in here and charging 4 providers with being rude (1) ain't going to get you many points with the ladies, any of the ladies; (2)not going to get us guys thinking we want to turn you on to our ATFs, and (3) probably means you were rude, arrogant, pushy, or just picked your first four contacts very poorly.

In any event, slow down, calm down, before you find yourself relegated to the dredges of BP for the rest of your hobby life.
Welcome to ECCIE!!!
  • Stag
  • 03-08-2012, 12:19 PM
The great tigercat purrs:
Or you can try P411.
Sometimes the most important stuff is short, sweet, and stuffed into the middle.

I'm with you -- nothing is a bigger sexual turn-off than rudeness and dismissiveness. But when you're new, it happens. I think you've correctly identified the possible cause: the ladies have to protect themselves from all kinds of threats (L.E., abusers, play-no-pay types, and just general jerks), and this sometimes can make them defensive and downright rude. But going through the screening process at preferred411 will go a LONG way to getting you behind your first door, and if you're a gent (as you seem to be in your post), the doors will just get wider and wider.

Good luck, brothah!

+1 to Stag's comment. I joined P411 and ECCIE; the result has been quality encounters every time, with no drama. The only bait and switch I got was from a backpage ad.
Mariah Moore's Avatar
welcome hon maybe you should interact with some of the vets on here and they can give you some pointers on how to approach providers being a newbie..
Action, did you try calling them first instead of introducing yourself via a PM or email?
Just speculating here if you did but I can tell you they don't want that, unless they request it. Most of them prefer you contact them thru emails and PMs and don't discuss activites. They'll have those in their Showcases, Reviews and Websites.

And a membership to P411 will eliminate all rudeness, believe me.

Try lurking around for a month or so, read the Forums, kinda get used to "The Ways of Doing Things" here.

Be patient...this a great place and the girls are heaven-sent.
This aint gonna
ShysterJon's Avatar

10. Beginning the conversation with, "It looks like my herpes has calmed down so I'm looking for a little action before it flares up again."
9. When you want to tip, asking the provider if she has change for a quarter.
8. When she answers the phone, saying, "This is Officer Bustya. How are you today?"
7. Ripping the rubber off while doing the Limbaugh Limbada and shouting, "Let's make a baby today!!!"
6. If her name is Brooke Cumsalot, paying her more than $5.00.
5. While going down on her saying, "Man, your vagina is big! I wonder if there's an echo? HELLOOO IN THERE!!!"
4. Giving her Monopoly money, hoping she won't notice.
3. Asking her, "So why did you become a hooker?"
2. Telling her your ECCIE handle is rktman. She'll never see you.

And the number 1 thing a newbie shouldn't do with a provider is: Saying to her: "I love fucking you. You look just like my mother."
ForeignPlaytoy's Avatar
Lol Shyster!
Caseykassum's Avatar
Very funny shyster.

Actionjr69, have you been connecting with any of the girls through chat?
Duke of G's Avatar
Moved to Co-ed, as this isn't a welcome thread.
Waldo P. Emerson-Jones's Avatar
any suggestions how to deal with cranky, paranoid providers? Originally Posted by actionjr69
The only winning move is not to play.
Daen1304's Avatar
As far as cranky or rude providers, just don't deal with them.

As far as finding friendly providers, her is what I suggest:

Start a new thread saying that you are a newbie and looking for newbie friendly providers. I'm sure you'll get a decent response. Likelihood is that they will require phone # and many require work verification.

If that doesn't work for you try some of the FBSM girls that don't offer FS. Some have lesser requirements and some none at all. But could be used as references for other providers.

Or you can try studios since a few of the girls that work at studios can be used as references too. But some are pricey.

And if that isn't your cup of tea, AMPs generally like new clients, BUT NEVER TELL THEM YOU ARE NEW. When they ask you if you have been there before you say "Yes!" If they ask with who tell them you can't remember her name but she was cute and energetic. Only time you can say you are new is when a friend who really has been there before is introducing you.

And if none of the above works for you. Well have fun on BP.