What happened to me at a grocery store?

I hope what follows is within all implied rules. Let me know if not, as it would be unintentional.

I'm trying to figure out what happened to me, so if anyone has experience that might help me make heads or tails of this, please let me know. I apologize for the length, but I'm trying to include all details. I knew nothing about this subculture, if I can call the subject of this website that, but am looking it up, and tried to learn some of the etiquette and terminology to see if I can understand what happened, but so far, no conclusion.

I parked at a grocery store, and as I was heading out of my car, I see a girl/woman in my peripheral vision seem like she was headed toward my car, and then turn to also go into the store. She catches up with me as I grab a grocery cart. She is carrying a soft drink into the grocery store, which is a bit odd. As we meet just inside the entrance, she asks me where the restroom is. I didn't know, but I think it is in one corner and point her that way, and off she goes. Then I notice that I sent her the wrong way, catch up to her and apologize and point her in the right direction.

I continue to grocery shop, and by coincidence I'm near the restroom when she comes out. She thanks me for waiting for her, although I wasn't trying. She was being flirtatious, and I presumed it was to ask for a ride somewhere. I'm a sucker for a hot damsel-in-distress and so I ask if she needs a ride somewhere, and she says yes. I ask her name, and she is "T" (I don't want to list the name she gave here.) I ask her where to, and she says around the corner. I continue to grocery shop and she makes odd, maybe ditzy comments/questions about whether I like various things near, from vegetables to a pink wine cooler.

So I checkout and we load groceries in my car, and get in. I ask her where to, and she says, "How about your place?" Now I know that it was more than mild flirtation to get a ride. I mention that I'm married and my wife wouldn't like that. She says "Ooh, I hope you don't get in trouble. We can go anywhere."

Now I know approximately what she wants, but not remotely why. Am I being setup? In hindsight already, she seemed to be after me in particular. She saw my car, and by which she'd know I'm not remotely wealthy. I'm neither especially attractive nor unattractive. I'm a fit tall redheaded male between 35-40. She was a petite and beautiful straight-haired blonde probably age 20-25. Could she just want to try a redhead? A random hookup? To show herself that she could seduce a random person? Was she going to ask for money in an inappropriate way?

If she was going to ask for money, that would have been no way I would have given in because it would seem so obviously a possible setup. But I'm not quite willing to dump her off without trying to find out more of what she wants or why.

But she tells me of a supposed bus stop I could take her to a few blocks away, and I start driving that way. While I'm driving, she asks if I had a hard day at work and starts to put her hand in my pants. I didn't stop her as I answered about having to work with crazy people. In the middle of driving, she quickly unbuckles and has me in her mouth so quickly I couldn't think about saying no. And then when she was on, she was startlingly good, there was no way I would have the discipline to ask or make her stop. I mean, I appreciate BJ from my wife who is pretty good, but I was a bit startled by the skill of T's lips. That said, a BJ while driving is still not the best position for maximum enjoyment. So while driving, while getting a BBBJ, I'm concerned on multiple levels and pull into an alley that seems private enough to finish the deed. It wasn't the time or place to show endurance skills or anything else. My main concern was avoiding any charges like public indecency...or worse. So I make it quick, and she swallows it like a pro, knowing exactly when the last drop is done before pulling up and responding "Ahh good".

At this point, I'm afraid to have any significant conversation. She was a pro, was on a mission, presumably for a reason, and I'm afraid to find out what that was. I also realize that although I think pretty strongly she is over 18, I have no way to confirm it. Could I be targeted to be extorted by exposure by her or unknown partners of hers? Does she have something recording us?

I get to where she said there was a bus stop to drop her off at, but there was none there. I talk to her about the area and realize that she doesn't know the area or most of the major streets even by the grocery store we were at. She said earlier that she was from Arlington, but I'm still curious about her lack of awareness of her immediate environment in Dallas when she was nonetheless willing to hookup on the road.

But she never asked for money. Did I stumble upon a pattern where something was implied I didn't know? I was mortified that she would ask for money and make/word our actions into something illegal. But if she was wanting money, she did everything before even having any evidence that I might have cash.

So with no bus stop, she says I can take her back to where I found her, which I do. I still pull out my wallet and have a twenty and ask her if that is enough for a bus, and she accepts saying its enough. She gets out and I say have a good day. I'm afraid to say anything else.

She leaves and I know no more than the first name she used for herself. It has been two months, and I have not seen her again. No extortion scheme or anything else followed. Her swallowing was complete enough that I don't have to worry about any 9 month delay scheme with 18 years of payments. I've been back to the grocery store many times but haven't seen her again. I searched this website and similar ones to see if there was any DFW professional by the name she used, and there is not.

But now, anytime I see an attractive young woman in a grocery store, I wonder if she's scheming to get me. And still, even if so, would I ever find out the purpose?

One last detail. It may make the story like "Eyes Wide Shut", or perhaps only like "A Beautiful Mind" where it's all in my head. I didn't yet mention is the deepest part of my paranoia is that if someone knew all my electronic credit and debit transaction time and locations, and wanted to set me up, there is only one time and place to most consistently find me away from work and family. That happens to be the exact day of week, time, and location that T found me. I hope that is just coincidence, because I don't know what it implies if not coincidence. Am I important enough to be targeted? Probably not, but I did create a mathematical formula for judicial restitution that implies justice is most efficiently served without a court system imposed by sovereign immunity. (I could send a link in a PM for those that want to read it to prove I'm not making that part up.)

So assuming I'm no more than half crazy, is there any clues I might have missed for which the eccie community could enlighten me?
boo-boo bear's Avatar
Why look a gift horse in the mouth? Remember, sometimes you win the lottery without ever buying a ticket! Chalk it up to good luck and move along. If, as I suspect, this is a bawdy tale written from the fantasy desires you secretly harbor, then I suggest you forward it along to Penthouse.
redman1501's Avatar
You are way overthinking this and worrying over pretty much nothing. I'd say you got unbelievably lucky. Cops don't walk up to you and proposition you(that would be entrapment) much less grab your junk and do nice things to it. And if nothing was missing you didn't get robbed so really you don't have anything to worry or complain about. I'm just fairly certain everyone is going to want to know where this grocery store is! You know, for independent "research." I can understand some "too good to be true" paranoia, but just give yourself a high 5 and stash this event away in the spank bank.
I told my wife I dreamed it, then asked her if she thought it could be real. She laughed. Seems hard to believe, but I'd probably be less paranoid if it was only my imagination. The funny part is it does read like fiction, if only non-professionally written.

I hope it was just a lottery win without a ticket.
redman1501's Avatar
It was, and if your wife asks you about your story again you were trying to suggest a role play scenario and there is plenty more where that came from! nudge nudge! That might liven things up for you a bit! But seriously, don't sweat it!
skirtchaser79411's Avatar
he must have beebn at a new SUPER WALMART
And just as quickly, I think I find her, and she is a provider. I thought she said Toni, but there is a ~22 yr old Tori that is a twin if not her. That said, I haven't tried to contact her, assuming she would admit and recall the meeting if it really is her.

[and for reference, it was a health food oriented store, not Walmart]
bored@home's Avatar
Did you find her here or somewhere else?
Happy you may be on the right track to putting your mind at ease, the doubt of age has had me scared before. Based on the small fee for what boils down to a road date I was guessing more the SW side of the fence or a girl in need of cab fare or "other".
Links are always nice but if she is here and your visit was unique based on circumstance she may not want it put out there but you could always ask...or just do it and plead ignorance to any fall out

Did she mention this place to you? If not, curious how you found it, but...you're off to a great start.

It isn't that easy...or cheap here.

TheAngryHobbyist's Avatar
Poppa_Viagra's Avatar
Nice story.

bored@home's Avatar
Did she mention this place to you? If not, curious how you found it, but...you're off to a great start.

It isn't that easy...or cheap here. Originally Posted by Prolongus
Ditto that ^^^^
Originally Posted by Prolongus
Originally Posted by TheAngryHobbyist
General Feuerbacher's Avatar
sounds like bullshit to me. he told his wife about it
fletch's Avatar
He said it was a health food type of store. His car may not have given it away, but the type of store he visits can be a correlational hint into his ability to spare a twenty.