Providers - How did you get started?

TravelingGentleman's Avatar
Demographic Inquiry Incoming!

Ladies, I'm curious how you arrived at the decision to sell your services.

1. How old were you when you first exchanged money for services?
2. How did you get the idea to do so?
3. What was your life situation when you did (married/single/employed/homeless/other/etc)?
4. How long have you been a provider?
5. Where do you yourself in 5 and 10 years respectively?
6. If you have kids, what do they think you do for a living?
7. Is providing a primary or supplemental income for you?
8. At what age did you lose your virginity?
9. Did you have any abusive parents or relatives and/or had you ever been molested as a minor?

Feel free to expound on any particulars that you like, but these questions provide a decent baseline for comparison.

I'd find it interesting to hear your story about how you got to where you are now, whether its where you want to be, and what you see in your future.
1. Consciously? 29.
2. I wanted sex without the hassle. Casual dating always morphed into relationships and I wanted to avoid that. I've always been intrigued by the hobby and figured "Why not?"
3. Single and employed in the RW.
4. Almost 2.5 years.
5. Five years - In my future field. Babysitting adults and nurturing them into reliable and effective cogs. Ten years - More of the same maybe signing adoption papers depending on if I found a lifetime partner and their wishes.
6. No children.
7. Primary.
8. 18
9. No.

Also....I answered because I have nothing to know besides my real name, face, real phone number, and my real home address.

But you really have to ponder how personal the questions you are asking are. Do you truly think that the women on this site will expose themselves if they do have things they aren't proud of in their past? The wolves will descend and rip her a new one. Or have you considered that the women with a less stellar background might not want to show that they were a victim in the past? The cougars are not the only predators in this corner of the world. Any sign of weakness will most likely be exploited. Finally why are you being so nosy? I believe you want to prove something to yourself and are trying to collect the data. So what is it? No girl enters this willingly? "Good" providers aren't as damaged? Is this some elaborate way you are trying to screen providers?

Would you feel comfortable answering the same questions parsed for a hobbyist? Please don't feel attacked. If I thought you had any ill-intent with your thread I would have responded in quite a different manner.

As a reminder of all posters....for your own and this site's protection you lost your virginity at the appropriate age according to the state laws at that time. Capisce?
Skittlez's Avatar
I have asked similar questions as well in chat/convo before/after sessions - and my motive was curiosity as well. Nothing sinister... nothing scientific of course...

very few 'patterns' have emerged....

1. working for $ and
2. often there had been a friend that had been in the biz beforehand...

but just as age, height, weight, ethnicity, build, services, all differ... so too do all their stories. All are unique - just like everyone else... ;0)
I'm curious as this TravelingGentleman is, but most women don't want to be seen as a "pawn" of their circumstances. Plus, if you want complete honesty, you're going to have to get this info in private and you're going to have to gain a lot of trust from these providers. Good luck with that. As SA Angel mentioned, women here have a business incentive to not want to expose any potential vulnerabilities such as admitting if/when being homeless, losing their virginity before they were 18, potentially ever being raped and having a distorted view of sex, etc. (the list could go on). Sure, I bet some amount have lived vanilla lives prior to joining this world and why would anyone not want to say that that's their story as well? Regardless, I'm just as curious as you are about these questions.
She was desperate for money and men were attracted to her. Story is the same. Ages are different, abuse is not an issue, the common thread is need for cash. Read some books on the subject, several studies from prominent scholars on the subject makes for good reading and understanding.
HoustonRiley's Avatar
in 2010 I became a widow.
I was already a dancer. so the door to the provider life was already open.
I had 2 children that are now teenagers but at the time were 7 and 9.
I first got into this when ASPD was still around.
then continued when eccie came about.
I've seen some of my same regulars since this all happened.
Sometimes I get stressed out by the mean comments and trolling and hateful providers.
Over all I'm a freaky fun friendly person and I do enjoy my job. I only do it part time so it keeps me interested.
Since I'm single now.
I totally use my sessions to get my nut too
TravelingGentleman's Avatar
@SA Angel: Folks are welcome to refrain from posting - I'm not demanding personal details from anyone, just inquiring after how people got into the business!

@HoustonRiley: Do you still dance, or is providing your sole source of income? What do your kids think you do for a job? What do you see your future holding?
italia's Avatar
1. How old were you when you first exchanged money for services?
15 I got a job at Peter Piper Pizza

2. How did you get the idea to do so?
A friend

3. What was your life situation when you did (married/single/employed/homeless/other/etc)?
I got a title loan, single and dancing wasn't bringing in enough that week for me to pay bills and the loan lol

4. How long have you been a provider?
Since I was 23 and still here

5. Where do you yourself in 5 and 10 years respectively?
Traveling if I am still alive

6. If you have kids, what do they think you do for a living?
One of them is on that stage and in school

7. Is providing a primary or supplemental income for you?
Most definitely, I've witnessed so many beautiful places and met so many kind faces.

8. At what age did you lose your virginity?
Ha ha his name was/is Steven and I was 15

9. Did you have any abusive parents or relatives and/or had you ever been molested as a minor?

Play me a sad love song noones heard before

PrincessSlutFace's Avatar
I have no issue being honest with people about anything.. so here goes... lol

1. How old were you when you first exchanged money for services?
29 years old... lol

2. How did you get the idea to do so?
Was having a conversation with my BF about his adopted father and his GF coming to visit, and he mentioned his dads GF did the same thing out in AZ...

3. What was your life situation when you did (married/single/employed/homeless/other/etc)? Life situation was normal... boy friend, job.. nothing particularly bad lol I guess the kick off point was losing my job over a clients lies (having over 10 years experience) so I was like fuck it.. Ill just do this lol

4. How long have you been a provider? less then 6 months

5. Where do you yourself in 5 and 10 years respectively? Hopefully happily married and at home doing wifey things lol

6. If you have kids, what do they think you do for a living? no kids...

7. Is providing a primary or supplemental income for you? both... depends on the month really... I do work as a graphics coordinator for my brothers web design company, as well as data entry for shopping cart/e-commerce websites... and even tho it pays really really fucking well, its not consistent at all..

8. At what age did you lose your virginity? 16

9. Did you have any abusive parents or relatives and/or had you ever been molested as a minor? Yeah I had been molested at a very young age... and I had a very....... different childhood then most people... Raised by swingers... lol we shall keep that short haha
xJTxSOA's Avatar
I think a thread like this should be made for the guys as well.
joesmo888's Avatar
sadly sexual abuse is extremely common in our world. I know people who were abused by relatives when they were young, that is something that sticks with them for life.

I saw a study that a lot of hobbyists grew up in homes that had domestic abuse, so they get a kick out of using women for sex both as a hobbyist and in their private lives. i agree with the above someone can start a thread asking questions to the males on here.