Shocked and Totally Low Class

CharismaCaptures's Avatar
Another provider I know we had a disagreement and a fall out instead of being mature about it and moving on ,she discusses everything with her clients about me ,how childish and so immature goes to show when you talk about someone else your just jealous and insecure with yourself ,that she gave the client my private number no one has .and he had the balls to believe a hooker he met for 1 hr ,come to find out I know where the gent lives and hes business .
..I cant help it I have a slender busty body , I eat properly and have a great hard body and take care of myself . But , how do go from saying your in your 30s ,40 s and then your 26 lmao ,,. ,,she copied one of my reviews from another board and changed things around to thing it would do me harm when in fact they ran her ip found out it was her .How dumb can she be. ;I wouldn't lower myself to her behavior . how low can she go how sad ...,she has to manipulate people in her only telling half the story but not the whole story .....Low class in my book .
JohnnyYanks's Avatar
This "rebuttal" is your idea of high class?
Both adjective phrases in the titular fragment are obviously applied to the same unspecified object - so whom, we must ask, was shocked?
Hey if the OP wants to vent here that's what it's here for. At least she didn't name names.
CharismaCaptures's Avatar
if you had a private number that you use only for yourself and your job told you don't use it for your personal use lets just say as an example ,you don't advertise it but its a cell you keep. .Just because you don't get along with that person anymore does it give her the right to give my private line to her clients who called me ,
I asked them were they got the number from they told me and then they slipped and said oh I mean the internet ,and that I was selling parts from my car and my barbeque grill common how dumb is that . lmao .I sold that car long ago to a car dealership after I replaced some parts that needed to get done ,. .I had to change the number and buy new phone which was no big deal but its the principal. .you don't bring your clients in to something that has nothing to do with them .That's my point .
CharismaCaptures's Avatar
LMAO I wouldn't stoop that low,Im Not Rat ,like her .lolol
CharismaCaptures's Avatar
burkalini's Avatar
if you had a private number that you use only for yourself and your job told you don't use it for your personal use lets just say as an example ,you don't advertise it but its a cell you keep. .Just because you don't get along with that person anymore does it give her the right to give my private line to her clients who called me ,
I asked them were they got the number from they told me and then they slipped and said oh I mean the internet ,and that I was selling parts from my car and my barbeque grill common how dumb is that . lmao .I sold that car long ago to a car dealership after I replaced some parts that needed to get done ,. .I had to change the number and buy new phone which was no big deal but its the principal. .you don't bring your clients in to something that has nothing to do with them .That's my point . Originally Posted by CharismaCaptures
I think you can get a new number without buying a new phone. JS